Content Posted in 2016
A First Amendment Right to Observe Elections: Fulfilling the Dream of Richmond Newspapers by Extending It to the Polling Place, Andrew D. Howell
A Legal Definition of Leadership: Understanding §3B1.1 of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines, Marin Roger Scordato
Alternative Forum: A Colorado Farmer and the ITC’s Excellent Adventure, Brady P. Gleason
Alternative Restrictions of Sex Offenders' Social Media Use & The Freedom of Speech, Norah M. Sloss
American Presidentialism in the Light of Barack Obama’s Immigration Reform, Rett R. Ludwikowski and Anna Ludwikowski
At the Intersection of Religious Organization Missions and Employment Laws: The Case of Minister Employment Suits, Jarod S. Gonzalez
Baring All: Legal Ethics and Confidentiality of Electronically Stored Information in the Cloud, Whitney Morgan
Bridging the Justice Gap in Family Law: Repurposing Federal IV-D Funding to Expand Community-Based Legal and Social Services for Parents, Stacy Brustin and Lisa Vollendorf Martin
Coco Way Before Chanel: Protecting Independent Fashion Designers’ Intellectual Property Against Fast-Fashion Retailers, Tiffany F. Tse
Consumer Law: Cases and Materials (4th ed.), Ralph J. Rohner and John A. Spanogle
Criminal Law (8th ed.), Cara H. Drinan, Paul Marcus, Linda A. Malone, and Geraldine Szott Moohr
Decedents' Estates: Cases and Materials (3d ed.), Raymond C. O'Brien
Decrypting Our Security: A Bipartisan Argument for a Rational Solution to the Encryption Challenge, Jamil N. Jaffer and Daniel J. Rosenthal
Direito Comparado: Perspectivas Luso-Americanas v.III, Marshall J. Breger and Dario Moura Vicente
Don’t Give Up Section 101, Don’t Ever Give Up, Brady P. Gleason
Don’t Tread On Me…Online: The FEC Should Stay Out of Free Internet-Based Political Speech, Timothy J. D’Elia
Environmental Hedonism or, Securing the Environment Through the Common Law, George P. Smith II and David M. Steenburg
Ethical Problems in the Practice of Law (4th ed.), Lisa G. Lerman and Philip Schrag
Exceptionalism Unbound: Appraising American Resistance to Foreign Law, Mark C. Rahdert
Exporting Internet Law through International Trade Agreements: Recalibrating U.S. Trade Policy in the Digital Age, Markham C. Erickson and Sarah K. Leggin
Extending Copyright Protection to Combat Free-Riding by Digital News Aggregators and Online Search Engines, Nancy J. Whitmore
Fool Me Twice: Zubik v. Burwell and the Perils of Judicial Faith in Government Claims, Mark L. Rienzi
Fulfilling the Promise of Roe: A Pathway for Meaningful Pre-Abortion Consultation, Thomas J. Molony
George P. Smith II - Monographs 1986-2001, George P. Smith II
Going Native: The Rise of Online Native Advertising and a Recommended Regulatory Approach, A.J. Casale
Hey America! Let's Get Smart: The Need for a Reliable Modern Smart Electrical Grid Resistance to Cyberattacks, Richard J. Kisielowski II
Hopeful Clarity or Hopeless Disarray?: An Examination of Town of Greece v. Galloway and the Establishment Clause, Krista M. Pikus
How Failed Attempts to Amend the Constitution Mobilize Political Change, Roger C. Hartley
Independent Agencies in the United States: The Responsibilities of Public Lawyers, Marshall J. Breger and Gary Edles
Inside Torts: What Matters and Why, J.P. "Sandy" Ogilvy
Laudato Si’ and Care for Our Common Home: What Does it Mean for the Legal Profession?, Lucia A. Silecchia
Law Student Mediators Wear a Triple Crown: Skilled, Sellable, & Successful, Laurie A. Lewis
Learning From Practice: A Text for Experiential Legal Education (3d ed.), Leah Wortham, Susan Brooks, Alexander Scherr, and Nancy Maurer
Litigating Medical Device Premarket Classification Decisions for Small Businesses: Have the Courts Given the FDA Too Much Deference? The Case for Taking the Focus Off of Efficacy, Stephanie P. Fekete
Making Turner a Reality - - Improving Access to Justice Through Court-Annexed Resource Centers and Same Day Presentation, Stacy Brustin
Marketable and Mobile: UBE Recommended, Veryl Victoria Miles
Marshall J. Breger & Gary J. Edles, Independent Agencies in the United States—Law, Structure, and Politics, Roberta S. Karmel
Millennials, Equity, and the Rule of Law: 2014 National Lawyers Convention, How First Amendment Procedures Protect First Amendment Substance, Erik S. Jaffe, Aaron H. Caplan, Robert A. Destro, Todd P. Graves, Alan B. Morrison, Eugene Volokh, and David R. Stras
Mobile Banking: The Answer for the Unbanked in America?, Catherine Martin Christopher
“Modern Day Slavery”- Implications of a Label, Mary Graw Leary
Oracle America, Inc. v. Google, Inc.,750 F.3d 1339 (Fed. Cir. 2014), Cert. Denied: Ideas, Methods, And Expression - Whose Innovation is Protected?, Christopher J. Geissler
Over-the-Counter Derivatives in a Global Financial Marketplace: The Case for Uniform Global Identifiers and Compatible Reporting Requirements in Substituted Compliance Comparability Determinations, Kimberly R. Thomasson
People With Secrets: Contesting, Constructing, and Resisting Women’s Claims About Sexualized Victimization, Rose Corrigan and Corey S. Shdaimah
Peter Zenger’s Ordeal: Historical Antecedent to a Concept of Free Press in Early Colonial America, or Is What is Past an Expanding and Somewhat Frightening Prologue to the Future, George P. Smith II
Protestant Ecclesiastical Law and the Ius Commune, Kenneth Pennington
Refining Statutory Interpretation: How Natural Gas Export Regulations Violate U.S. International Trade Obligations, Amanda L. Tharpe
Reforming the Federal Arbitration Act to Equalize the Adjudication Rights of Powerful and Weak Parties, Stephen A. Plass
Regulating Angels, Heidi Mandanis Schooner
Religion and the Constitution (4th ed.), John H. Garvey, Michael W. McConnell, and Thomas C. Berg
Seeking Common Sense for the Common Law of Common Interest in the D.C. Circuit, Jared S. Sunshine
Selective Issues in Effective Medicaid Estate Recovery Statutes, Raymond C. O'Brien
Selective Issues in Effective Medicaid Estate Recovery Statutes, Raymond C. O'Brien
"Should" or "Must"?: Distinguishing Mandates from Guidelines in Tort Claims Contexts, A.G. Harmon
“Social Love” as a Vision for Environmental Law: Laudato Si’ and the Rule of Law, Lucia A. Silecchia
Submarine Cables, Cybersecurity and International Law: An Intersectional Analysis, Tara Davenport
Talk Don’t Touch? Considerations for Children’s Attorneys on the Physical Touch of Clients, Andrea L. Dennis
Ten Years After Consumer Bankruptcy Reform in the United States: A Decade of Diminishing Hope and Fairness, Robert J. Landry III
The Affordable Care Act Is Not Tort Reform, Andrew F. Popper
The Community Listening Project, Faith Mullen
The Connected State of Things: A Lawyer’s Survival Guide in an Internet of Things World, Antigone Peyton
The Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2015, S. 1890, H.R. 3326, 114th Congress (2015), Joseph K.C. Doukmetzian
The History of Courts and Procedure in Medieval Canon Law, Kenneth Pennington and Wilfried Hartmann
The IcePerson Cometh: Cryonics, Law and Medicine, George P. Smith II
The Impact of the United Nations on National Abortion Laws, Kelsey Zorzi
The Judge as Umpire: Ten Principles, Brett M. Kavanaugh
The Morality of Market Mechanisms, Lucia A. Silecchia
The Quid Pro Quo Quark: Unstable Elementary Particle of Honest Services Fraud, Brian H. Connor
The Sexual Exploitation of Children, Raymond C. O'Brien and Michael T. Flannery
The Supreme Digital Divide, Mary Graw Leary
The Third Dimension of Victimization, Mary Graw Leary
Time to Rethink Cybersecurity Reform: The OPM Data Breach and the Case for Centralized Cybersecurity Infrastructure, Zachary Figueroa
Top-Down Bank Capital Regulation, Heidi Mandanis Schooner
Two Aspects of Liberty, John H. Garvey
U.C.C. Section 2-207: When Does an Additional Term Materially Alter a Contract?, Timothy Davis
Wearable Devices as Admissible Evidence: Technology is Killing Our Opportunity to Lie, Nicole Chauriye