Domestic Relations: Cases and Materials (9th ed.)
The Ninth Edition continues to incorporate judicial opinions from state, federal, and international courts that illustrate the evolution and dynamism of domestic relations with compelling factual scenarios that illustrate both statutory and common law. Specifically, the casebook utilizes the newly revised Uniform Parentage Act, the federal Family First Prevention Services Act, and other newly enacted statutes pertaining to domestic violence, joint physical custody, and assisted reproductive technology.
There are multiple Problems spread throughout the chapters, drawn from actual state and federal judicial opinions, which test student understanding and illustrate the real-life consequences of the legal issues being discussed. And the casebook has been streamlined to provide a logical and concise progression of material, from nonmarital cohabitation to adoption of adults. This logical sequencing permits the book to be used for two, three or four credit courses, especially since there is a statutory supplement offering a more complete view of the ways that statutes affect family law in today’s America.
Publication Date
West Academic
Family Law | Law
Recommended Citation
O'Brien, Raymond C.; Wadlington, Walter; and Wilson, Robin F., "Domestic Relations: Cases and Materials (9th ed.)" (2021). Faculty Books. 139.