Catholic University Journal of Law and Technology
With the surge of technological advances across the financial market landscape, companies have implemented new ways of raising money that have sparked controversy among investors, legal practitioners, banks, and government regulators. This comment examines the technology behind Initial Coin Offerings (ICO), and discusses the impact they have had on financial markets in the United States and across the globe. This comment also addresses the legal ramifications for companies issuing ICOs, and delves into the benefits of using blockchain technology as a means for transferring digital currencies and making business transactions. This comment further gives examples of current and potential regulations that federal agencies have enforced on companies issuing ICOs, and includes varied opinions from individuals involved in the financial services industry. Lastly, this comment discusses the likely future of ICOs and how further regulations may stifle healthy market competition and economic growth.
Recommended Citation
Joseph D. Moran,
The Impact of Regulatory Measures Imposed on Initial Coin Offerings in the United States Market Economy,
Cath. U. J. L. & Tech
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