

No one is certain whether Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) will make the future a better place or make it look like an apocalyptic Hollywood blockbuster. An opinion that is emerging among experts and nation-state leaders is that the nation-states that lead in AI advancements and implementation will likely have a greater influence on and power over the world economic and national security stages. The goal of this book review is to encourage the reader to enter the conversation about the role AI will play in global society and American life because AI will influence the job market in the near future. Two recent books by experts in the AI field are compared and analyzed through the lens of a recent executive order issued by President Trump regarding AI development and implementation. AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order by Kai-Fu Lee is written to inform the reader of the progress made in the AI field by China and Silicon Valley over the last two decades and what Dr. Lee predicts will happen with AI implementation. Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence by Max Tegmark explores AI implementation and its potential future impacts. Finally, this book review draws conclusions and makes recommendations with respect to the legal and societal implications that the two books and the executive order highlight. This review seeks to encourage the reader to become part of the solution as AI becomes a part of humans’ lives.



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