Fall 1972
Front Matter
Table of Contents (v.22 no.1)
Catholic University Law Review
Masthead (v.22 no.1)
Catholic University Law Review
From Figment to Fiction to Philosophy -– The Requirement of Proof of Damages in Libel Actions
Francis D. Murnaghan
Dead People in Torts: A Second Installment
Vernon X. Miller
Judicial Activism in Prison Reform
Claude Pepper
The Establishment of Mandatory Sealanes by Unilateral Action
James D. Morgan
Hawaii v. Standard Oil Co.: Aloha to Parens Patriae?
David M. Fuller and Joseph A. Condo
Virginia's Intrafamily Immunity Decisions: What Public Policy Giveth, Will the Insurance Policy Taketh Away?
Philip E. Groves
Kugler v. Romain: Price Unconscionability and the Consumer Class Action – Are They Compatible?
William J. Britt
Municipal Tort Immunity: The Need for Legislative Reform
Daniel J. Graziano Jr. and John B. Tehan
The Solicitation Rule: Ethical Restrictions and Legal Fictions
Gregory A. Adamski