Bakke as Pseudo-Tragedy
Guido Calabresi
Exempt Compensation Arrangements Under ERISA
Randolph M. Goodman and Laura E. Stone
Competency Testing and Potential Constitutional Challenges of "Everystudent"
Monique Weston Clague
State Gasoline Divorcement Statutes: Legal and Economic Implications
Katharine R. Boyce
The Single Employer Doctrine as Applied to Section 8(B)(4) of the National Labor Relations Act
Katherine Sciacchitano
Union Mergers and the Amendment Certification Procedure
Linda Carlisle
The Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures: Compromises and Controversies
Ronald B. Rubin
Indian Law
Felice Busto
Book Review
THE CRIME AND PUNISHMENT OF I.G. FARBEN. By Joseph Borkin. New York: The Free Press. 1978. Pp 250.
Urban A. Lester and Richard N. Bagenslos