Fall 2006
Front Matter
Table of Contents (v.56 no.1)
Catholic University Law Review
Faith and Faithfulness in Corporate Theory
Lyman P.Q. Johnson
The Not So Great Writ: The European Court of Human Rights Finds Habeas Corpus an Inadequate Remedy: Should American Courts Reexamine the Writ?
Allen E. Shoenberger
Prognosis Negative: Why the Language of the Hatch-Waxman Act Spells Trouble for Reverse Payment Agreements
Catherine E. Creely
Take My Property Please! Who Should Bear the Burden of Cleaning Up Toxic Methamphetamine Lab Waste?
Emily I. Krause
Handling Claims of Actual Innocence: Rejecting Federal Habeas Corpus as the Best Avenue for Addressing Claims of Innocence Based on DNA Evidence
Matthew J. Mueller