Content Posted in 2014
The Role of the Courts Under the National Environmental Policy Act, Richard M. Ashton
The Role of the Federal Reserve in Electronic Funds Transfer – An Executive Perspective, John Eger
The “Rootkit Debacle”: The Latest Chapter in the Story of the Recording Industry and the War on Music Piracy, Megan M. La Belle
The Rule of Non-Inquiry and Human Rights Treaties, John Quigley
The "R" Word, M. Gregg Bloche and Elizabeth R. Jungman
The Scarlet L: Have Recent Developments in Lobbying Regulation Gone Too Far?, Brian W. Schoeneman
The SEC and the Securities Bar: Adversaries or Allies?, Peter Chepucavage
The Second Circuit's "New Asylum Seekers": Responses to an Expanded Immigration Docket, John R.B. Palmer
The Second Coming of Res Gestae: A Procedural Approach to Untangling the "Inextricably Intertwined" Theory for Admitting Evidence of an Accused's Uncharged Misconduct, Edward J. Imwinkelreid
The SEC or The Exchanges: Who Should Do What and When? A Proposal to Allocate Regulatory Responsibilities for Securities Markets, David A. Lipton
The Separtation of Church and State: An American-Catholic Perspective, Daniel J. Morrissey
The Sequential Distribution of Television Programming in a Dynamic Marketplace, David E. Leibowitz
The Settlement of Government Contract Disputes – A Comparative Study, Alan W. Mewett
The Sherman Act and the Vicious Will: Developing Standards for Criminal Intent in Sherman Act Prosecutions, George E. Garvey
The Sherman Act and the Vicious Will: Developing Standards for Criminal Intent in Sherman Act Prosecutions, George E. Garvey
The Single Employer Doctrine as Applied to Section 8(B)(4) of the National Labor Relations Act, Katherine Sciacchitano
The Slippery Slope from Ambition to Greed to Dishonesty: Lawyers, Money and Professional Integrity, Lisa G. Lerman
The Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act: New Options in Regulatory Relief, Barry A. Pineles
The Smart Grid: The Complexities and Importance of Data Privacy and Security, H. Russell Frisby Jr. and Jonathan P. Trotta
The Social Security Court Proposal: A Critique, J.P. "Sandy" Ogilvy
The Solicitation Rule: Ethical Restrictions and Legal Fictions, Gregory A. Adamski
The Song of Death: The Lyrics of Euthanasia, Margaret A. Somerville
The Sound Recording Performance Rights at a Crossroads: Will Market Rates Prevail?, Jeffrey A. Eisenach
The Spam Sham of White Buffalo Ventures: A Proposal for Cities and Municipalities to Regulate Spam on a Public Network, Michael Bailey
The Special Study of the Options Market: Its Findings and Recommendations, David A. Lipton
The Specialty Boards and Antitrust: A Legal Perspective, John J. Smith
The Speedy Trial Act of 1974: Defining the Sixth Amendment Right, Stephen R. Lohman
The Standard on Which Arbitrators Base Their Decisions: The SRO’s Must Decide, David A. Lipton
The State and the Social Problems of Today, Giorgio Del Vecchio
The State of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals, Theodore R. Newman Jr.
The States and the Supreme Court, A.E. Dick Howard
The State, the Stork, and the Wall: The Establishment Clause and Statutory Abortion Regulation, John Morton Cummings Jr.
The Status of United States Prisoners of War under the Code of Conduct for the Armed Forces, John E. Wehrum Jr.
The Statutory UCC: Interpretative License and Duty Under Article 2, Nicholas J. Johnson
The Stellar Parenthetical Illustration: A Tool to Open Doors in a Tight Job Market, Laurie A. Lewis
The Stem Cell Debate, William Wagner and Ursula Weide
The Stem Cell Debate, William J. Wagner and Ursula Weide
The Stricter Standard: An Empirical Assessment of Daubert’s Effect on Civil Defendants, Andrew Jurs and Scott DeVito
The Structure of the Religious Liberty Guarantee, Robert A. Destro
The Struggle for Rural Pharmacies: Will Medicare's New Privately Insured Prescription Drug Coverage Jeopardize Valuable Pharmacy Services for Rural Seniors?, Courtney C. Crouch III
The Struggle to Keep Personal Data Personal: Attempts to Reform Online Privacy and How Congress Should Respond, Paige Norian
The Supreme Court and the Privatization of Religion, Richard S. Myers
The Supreme Court and the Profession of Law, Elliott E. Cheatham
THE SUPREME COURT AND THE USES OF HISTORY. By Charles A. Miller. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Belkap Press, 1969. Pp. viii, 234. Cloth: $6.95., Taggart D. Adams
The Supreme Court in American Popular Culture, Maxwell Bloomfield
The Supreme Court’s 1991–1992 Labor and Employment Law Term, Roger C. Hartley
The Supreme Court’s Administrative Law Docket: Proceedings from the Administrative Conference of the United States, Marshall J. Breger
The Supreme Court's Avoidance of the Nondelegation Doctrine in Clinton v. City of New York: More Than "A Dime's Worth of Difference", Steven F. Huefner
The Supreme Court Stops the Presses, Lawrence R. Velvel
The Supreme Court's Use of Hypothetical Questions at Oral Argument, E. Barrett Prettyman Jr.
The System of Modern Criminal Conspiracy, Steven R. Morrison
The Taft-Hartley Act – Twenty Years After, John H. Fanning
The Taxation of Ideology, William J. Lehrfeld
The Tax Consequences of Distributions from Retirement Plans, Chris Downs
The Tax Man Cometh? An Argument for the Taxation of Online Purchases, Sean P. Nehill
The Teaching of Alternative Dispute Resolution, Lisa G. Lerman
The Technological Edge, Elizabeth I. Winston
The Telecommunications Act of 1996: A Global Analysis, Jonathan E. Canis and Enrico C. Soriano
The Telecommunications Industry in 1993: The Year of the Merger, Erin M. Reilly
The Terrible Imbalance: Human Organs and Tissues for Therapy – A Review of Demand and Supply, Russell Scott
The Terry Score, Eric Lipsetts, William Sacco, John W. Jameson, and Wayne S. Copes
The Testimonial Component of the Right against Self-Incrimination, Charles Gardner Geyh
The Texas Bar in the Nineteenth Century, Maxwell Bloomfield
The Texas Health Care Liability Act: Texas Is the First State to Listen to the Concerns of Its Health Care Consumemrs, But How Much Has It Heard?, Kristin M. McCabe
The Third Generation of Indigent Defense Litigation, Cara H. Drinan
The Thirteenth Juror: Electronic Media's Struggle to Enter State and Federal Courtrooms, Kathleen M. Krygier
The Thrust of Legal Education at the Catholic University of America, 1895-1954, C. Joseph Nuesse
The Tip Police: Aftermath of the Fior D'Italia Rule, Harold S. Peckron
The Torture Victim Protection Act: A Means to Corporate Liability For Aiding and Abetting Torture, Jessica Grunberg
The Transnational Perspective of the Church: The Embryonic Cloning Debate & Stem Cell Research, Robert John Araujo
The Travel Act at Fifty: Reflections on the Robert F. Kennedy Justice Department and Modern Federal Criminal Law Enforcement at Middle Age, Adam H. Kurland
The Treatment of Implied-in-Law and Implied-in-Fact Contracts and Promissory Estoppel in the United States Claims Court, Willard L. Boyd III and Robert K. Huffman
The Tri-Functional Model and Fairness at the SEC: Responding to Mr. Fleischman, John M. Fedders
The Troubled Relationship of Will Contacts and Spousal Protection: Time for an Amicable Separation, Carolyn L. Dessin
The Trouble with Jaycees, Neal E. Devins
The Trouble with Robertson: Equal Protection, the Separation of Powers, and the Line between Statutory Amendment and Statutory Interpretation, William D. Araiza
The "True Threat" to Cyberspace: Shredding the First Amendment for Faceless Fears, Robert D. Richards and Clay Calvert
The Trust Doctrine: A Source of Protection for Native American Sacred Sites, Jeri Beth K. Ezra
The Tuberculosis Crisis: The Deadly Consequence of Immigration Policies and Welfare Reform, Kimberly A. Johns and Christos Varkoutas
The Tucker Act and Payment Bond Surety's Equitable Claim of Subrogation Post-Blue Fox: Keys to the Courthouse Doors, Robert J. Duke
The Ultimate Disillusionment: The Need for Jury Trials in Juvenile Adjudications, Carl Rixey
The Uncertain Future of School Desegregation and the Importance of Goodwill, Good Sense, and a Misguided Decision, Derek W. Black
The Uniform Bar Examination: A Benefit to Law School Graduates, Veryl Victoria Miles
The Uniform Consumer Leases Act Arrives in Connecticut, Ralph J. Rohner
The Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures: Compromises and Controversies, Ronald B. Rubin
The Uniform Relocation Act: A Viable Solution to the Plight of the Displaced, Margaret Barbier and Shireen Avis Fisher
The United Nations and the Environment: Sometimes a Great Notion?, George P. Smith II
The United States and the World Court in the Post-"Cold War" Era, Richard B. Bidler
The United States Antidumping Statutes: Can a Trade Agreement with the United States Be Both "Free" and Fair? A Case Study of Chile, Andrea Miller
The United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims at Twenty: A Proposal for a Legislative Commission to Consider Its Future, Michael P. Allen
The Unlearning Curve: Tax-Based Congressional Regulation of Executive Compensation, Joy Sabino Mullane
The Use of Indepedendent Contractors to Minimize Employment Taxes – The Doubtful Cases, L. David Ritter Jr.
The Use of Journals in Legal Education: A Tool for Reflection, J.P. "Sandy" Ogilvy
The Use of Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934 to Control Shifts in Corporate Control Over Common Carriers, Thomas J. Dougherty Jr.
The U.S. Pacific Territories and Federal Telecommunications Policies: A Blueprint for the Future, Thomas K. Crowe
The Utopia, Leo Sweeney
The Vagaries of Informed Consent, George P. Smith II
The Value of the Constitution, John H. Garvey
The Vatican-Israel Accords: Political, Legal, and Theological Contexts, Marshall J. Breger
The Veto of S. 3418: More Congressional Power in the President's Pocket?, Joseph A. Condo
The Viatical Settlement Industry: Betting on People's Lives Is Certainly No "Exacta", Liza M. Ray
The Visual Artists Rights Act of 1990: Toward a Federal System of Moral Rights Protection for Visual Art, Edward J. Damich
The Vitality of the Common Law in Our Time, Alexander Holtzoff
The Wages of Syntax: Why the Cost of Organizing a Union Firm's Non-Union Competition Should Be Charged to 'Financial Core' Employees, Christopher David Ruiz Cameron
The ‘Wall’ Decisions in Legal and Political Context, Geoffrey R. Watson
The Warrantless Use of Thermal Imaging and "Intimate Details": Why Growing Pot Indoors and Washing Dishes Are Similar Activities Under the Fourth Amendment, Aaron Larks-Stanford
The Warren Court in American Fiction, Maxwell Bloomfield
The Warth Optional Standing Doctrine: Return to Judicial Supremacy?, Albert Broderick O.P.
The Washington Hospital Center Example: A Hospital's Guide to Implementing the Rapid Organ Recovery Program, Karen Edelman Clarke
The Wayward Corporate Check: Notice of Diversion under the UCC, Robert M. Spaulding and Arthur M. Sherwood
The Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act of 1988: Advance Notice Required?, Christopher P. Yost
The Work for Hire Doctrine Under Community for Creative Non-Violence v. Reid: An Artist's Fair Weather Friend, Jennifer Sutherland Lubinski
The World Ocean: A Plan for International Action, Edward J. Dempsey
The World of Law, Science and Medicine, According to George P. Smith, II, Raymond C. O'Brien
The World of Law, Science, and Medicine According to George P. Smith, II, Raymond C. O'Brien
They Took My Child! An Examination of the Circuit Split over Emergency Removal of Children from Parental Custody, Alyson Oswald
THE ZONING GAME: MUNICIPAL PRACTICES AND POLICIES. By Richard F. Babcock. The University of Wisconsin Press, 1966. Pp. xvi, 202. Cloth: $5.75., Ross Netherton
Things are Seldom What They Seem: Judges and Lawyers in the Tales of Mark Twain, Lucia A. Silecchia
Thinkable Mergers: The FCC's Evolving Public Interest Standard, Jason E. Friedrich
Third Pary Reimbursement for Participation in Cancer Clinical Trials: A Proposal for Legislation, Gina Mazzariello Plaue
Thomas Jefferson's Religious Views and Their Influence on the Supreme Court's Interpretation of the First Amendment, David Little
Thomas Jefferson University v. Shalala: Dollars or Sense? The Illogical Restriction of Medicare's Funding of Graduate Medical Education, Paul R. Koster
Thompson v. United States: Limiting the Scope of the Exclusionary Rule, Elaine Charlson Bredehoft
Thornburg v. Gingles: The Supreme Court's New Test for Analyzing Minority Vote Dilution, Mary J. Kosterlitz
Those Magnificent Commandos in Their Flying Machines, Michael F. Noone Jr.
Thoughts on Accountability and the Administrative Process, Marshall J. Breger
Threatening the Founding Ideal of a Republic of Letters: An Assessment of the Supreme Court's Copyright Decisions over the First Decade of the Twenty-First Century, Susanna Frederick Fischer
Threats to Secret Service Protectees: Guidelines on the Mental Health Services Provider's Duty to Report, Samuel Jan Brakel and Lauren Topelsohn
Three Legal Frameworks for Regulating Genetic Technology, Wilson Huhn
Through a Test Tube Darkly: Artificial Insemination and the Law, George P. Smith II
Throw ‘Em to the Lions (or Bengals): The Decline and Fall of Sports Civilization, Harvey L. Zuckman
TILA ‘Finance’ and ‘Other’ Charges in Open-End Credit: The Cost-of Credit Principle Applied to Charges for Optional Products or Services, Ralph J. Rohner and Thomas Durkin
Title 28, Section 2255 of the United States Code: Motion to Vacate, Set Aside or Correct Sentence: Effective or Ineffective Aid to a Federal Prisoner?, George P. Smith II
Title IX Leaves Some Athletes Asking, "Can We Play Too?", Jeffrey P. Ferrier
Title VII: How to Break the Law without Really Trying, Arthur M. Brewer
Tobacco Under Fire: Developments in Judicial Responses to Cigarette Smoking Injuries, Leila B. Boulton
To Be or Note to Be a Security: Reves v. Ernst & Young, Scott D. Museles
To Be Or Not To Be: FCC Regulation of Video Subscription Technologies, Allen S. Hammond IV
To Call or Not to Call? An Analysis of Current Charitable Telemarketing Regulations, Augusta Meacham
Tolerating vs. Supporting Research That Destroys Embryos: A Difference That Can Make a Moral Difference , Joseph Boyle
"To Love and Honor All the Days of Your Life": A Constitutional Right to Same-Sex Marriage?, Kevin Aloysius Zambrowicz
Tolstoy and the Christian Lawyer, Raymond B. Marcin
Tolstoy and the Christian Lawyer, Raymond B. Marcin
Tomorrow's Causation Standards for Yesterday's Wonder Material: Reiter v. Acands, Inc. and Maryland's Changing Asbestos Litigation, Timothy B. Mueller
Tomorrow's Unleaded Children: Child Care Facilities, Lead Paint and the Law, Christopher P. Daignault
To Police the Police: Functional Equivalence to the EIS Requirement and EPA Remedial Actions under Superfund, Sandra P. Montrose
Tort Claims in Counterinsurgency Operations: The British Experience in Ireland, 1919–21, Michael F. Noone Jr.
Tortious Government Conduct and the Government Contract: Tort, Breach of Contract, or Both?, Brian R. Levey
Torts, Thomas A. Montminy
Torts, Martha Brooks van der Veen and Daniel Harn
Torts, John Egan
Tossing Its Hat in the Ring: With Summerlin v. Stewart, the Ninth Circuit Exposes the Harmful Ambiguity Caused by Ring v. Arizona, Gillian T. DiFilippo
To Take up Arms Against a Sea of Drugs, Alex Wodak
To Tell or Not to Tell: The Scope of Physician-Patient Confidentiality When Relatives Are at Risk of Genetic Disease, Andrea Sudell
To Tell the Truth: Comparative Advertising and Lanham Act Section 43(a), Paul E. Pompeo
To the Age of Social Revolution: as Papal Rejoinder, ‘the Apocalypse is not Now’, William J. Wagner
Tough Love: The Emergence of Criminal Statutes and Disciplinary Actions Against Managed Care Plans for Inadequate Care, Brian Wilson
Toward a Fair Network Access Rate Policy for Rural Broadband Service Providers, Craig A. Anderson
Toward a Federal Data Agenda for Communications Policymaking, Philip M. Napoli and Joe Karaganis
Toward a General Theory of Standards of Proof, Frederick E. Vars
Toward a National Growth Policy, Vance Hartke
Toward an Inclusionary Jurisprudence: A Reconceptualization of Zoning, Joel Kosman
Toward an International Standard of Environment, George P. Smith II
Toward an International Standard of Scientific Inquiry, George P. Smith II
Toward a Theological Construct for the New Biology: An Analysis of Rahner, Fletcher, and Ramsey, Ralph C. Conte
Toward Eliminating the Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation of Impaired Adults: The District of Columbia Adult Protective Services Act of 1984, Laurie A. Lewis
Toward Neutral Principles: The SEC's Discharge of Its Tri-Functional Administrative Responsibilities, Edward H. Fleischman
Towards a Theory of Assimilating Law Students Into the Culture of the Legal Profession, Marie A. Monahan
Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Kentucky, Inc. v. Williams: Disabling the Americans with Disabilities Act, Jeffrey W. Larroca
Trademark Law and the Repercussions of Virtual Property (IRL), Melissa Ung
Trade Regulation, Stephen M. Silvestri
Traditional Notions of Fair Play and Substantial Justice Lost in Cyberspace: Personal Jurisdiction and On-Line Defamatory Statements, Rachael T. Krueger
Traditional Paradisms for the Causes of War Applied to the International Trading System: Nation-State Institutions in a World of Market-States, Antonio F. Perez
Transfer Development Rights: A Needed Addition to Historic Preservation in the District of Columbia, Lonny Heselov-Dolin
Transforming the Structure of Network Interconnection and Transport, Douglas A. Galbi
Transnational Joint Ventures and Antitrust Analysis, George E. Garvey
Transnational Terrorist Organizations and the Use of Force, Daphne Richemond
Transparent-Wrap – The Continuing Case for Grant-Back Agreements, Catholic University Law Review
Trawling for Meaning: A New Standard for "Best Scientific Information Available" in the Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Conservation Act, James William Merrill
Treaties and Executive Agreements: Historical Development and Constitutional Interpretation, Wienczyslaw J. Wagner
Treatment of Damages for Death by Wrongful Act in Suits against Common-Carriers in Conflict of Laws: The Place of Injury Rule, David J. Papallo
Treaty Implementation: Lessons Taught by U.S./U.K. Cooperation Under the NATO Status of Forces Agreement, Michael F. Noone Jr.
Treble Damages – Tax Treatment and Antitrust Policy, Catholic University Law Review
Triage: Endgame Realities, George P. Smith II
Triage: Endgame Realities, George P. Smith II
Trial by Peers: Enlisted Members on Courts-Martial, Charles W. Schiesser
Trial Court Discretion in Conducting the Voir Dire Subjected to More Stringent Scrutiny: Cordero v. United States, Bevery Petersen Jennison
Tribal Status and the Indian Nonintercourse Act: An Alternative to the Montoya Definition of Tribe, Steven A. Knecht
Tributes to Dean Vernon X. Miller - As We Know Him, Catholic University Law Review
Triennial Review: A New Era for the State-Federal Telecommunications Partnership, Michael C. Engel
Tripping over Trips and the Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic: Legislation and Political Decisions in Brazil and the United States, Anna Bitencourt Emilio
Trips and Public Health: Solutions for Ensuring Global Access to Essential AIDS Medication n the Wake of Paragraph 6 Waiver, Jessica L. Greenbaum
Troxel v. Granville: Protecting Fundamental Parental Rights While Recognizing Changes in the American Family, Susan Tomaine
Trusts, the Federal Sentencing Guidelines, and Lessons from Fiduciary Law, Lisa M. Fairfax
Truth in Lending, Ralph J. Rohner and Fred H. Miller
Truth in Lending - A Time for Reform, William P. Barry
Truth in Lending 'Simplified': Simplified?, Ralph J. Rohner
Truth or Consequences: Expanding Civil and Criminal Liability for the Defective Pricing of Government Contracts, W. Bruce Shirk, Bennett D. Greenberg, and William S. Dawson III
TSCA Liability in Court: Is Ignorance Bliss or Will a Strict Liability Standard be the Result?, Robert E. Fabricant
Tsunami Watch on the Coast of Bohemia: The Bia Streamlining Reforms and Judicial Review of Expulsion Orders, Michael M. Hethmon
Turning the Supremacy Clause on Its Head: Bell Atlantic Maryland, Inc. v. Prince George's County, Steven M. Warshawsky
Twentieth Century Indicators of Change in American Medical Practice for the 21st Century, Bernard Ficarra
Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Cumulative Index, Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy
Two Direct Rights of Action in Child Support Enforcement, Margaret Ryznar
Two Firsts: A Comparative Study of the American and the Polish Constitutions, Rett R. Ludwikowski
TXO Production Corp. v. Alliance Resources Corp.: A Failure to Create True Constitutional Protection Against Excessive Punitive Damages, David F. Cutter
Typology and Critique of Title IX Sexual Harassment Law After Gebser and Davis, William A. Kaplin
Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cells: My Body Makes Them, but Do I Get to Keep Them? Analysis of the FDA Proposed Regulations and the Impact on Individual Constitutional Property Rights, Jodi K. Fredrickson
Uncertainties on the Spiral Staircase: Meta-Ethics and the New Biology, George P. Smith II
Unconstitutional or Impossible: The Irreconcilable Gap Between Managed Care and Due Process in Medicaid and Medicare, Jennifer L. Wright
Under Siege: The Jurisdictional and Interagency Problems of Protecting the National Information Infrastructure, Brian A. Perisco
Understanding the Absence of a Duty to Reasonably Rescue in American Tort Law, Marin Roger Scordato
Undocumented and Unprotected: Solutions for Protecting the Health of America's Undocumented Mexican Migrant Workers, Michael A. Celone
Unequal Treatment of Religious Exercises Under RFRA: Explaining the Outliers in the HHS Mandate Cases, Mark L. Rienzi
Unilateral Tariff Exculpation in the Era of Competitive Telecommunications, Christy Cornell Kunin
Union Authorization Cards – Insufficient Protection for Misled Employees, Catholic University Law Review
Union Mergers and the Amendment Certification Procedure, Linda Carlisle
UNION REPRESENTATION ELECTIONS: LAW AND REALITY. By Getman, Goldberg, and Herman. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. 1976. Pp. 218., Abigail Cooley Modjeska
Union Security and the Nonunion Public Employee: Harmony or Conflict?, Michael S. Wolly
United Kingdom and United States Responses to the Regulatory Challenges of Modern Financial Markets, Heidi Mandanis Schooner
United Medical Laboratories and Public Concern: A Judicial Mandate for Unlimited Extension of the Actual Malice Standard, Catholic University Law Review
United States Commission on Civil Rights – Medical Discrimination against Children with Disabilities: An Abstract, Diane E. Boyd and Peter J. Thompson
United States Policy on Jerusalem, 1948, Shlomo Slonim
United States v. Armstrong: Selective Prosecution – A Futile Defense and Its Arduous Standard of Discovery, Marc Michael
United States v. Greber: A New Era in Medicare Fraud Enforcement?, James P. Prenetta Jr.
United States v. James: Expanding the Scope of Sovereign Immunity for Federal Flood Control Activities, Michael S. Levine
United States v. Lemon: Judicial Consideration of Religious Association as an Aggravating Factor at Criminal Sentencing , Shelly J. Speigel
United States v. Lopez: Reaffirming the Federal Commerce Power and Remembering Federalism, Rachel Elizabeth Smith
United States v. Mexico: The First Telecommunications Challenge Confronting the World Trade Organization, Rachel Rosenthal
United States v. Newmark: Semantics and Misrepresentation in Mail and Wire Fraud, Does it really Matter Who Was Deceived", Debra Carfora
United States v. Rayburn House Office Building, Room 2113: A Midnight Raid on the Constitution or Business as Usual?, Brian Reimels
United States v. Reeves: The Struggle to Save the Direct/Collateral Consequences Test After Padilla, Soojin Kim
United States v. Ridling: The Polygraph Breaks the "Twilight Zone.", Timothy J. Reagan
United States v. Salim: A Harbinger for Federal Prosecutions Using Depositions Taken Abroad, Michael J. Burke
United States v. Smith: An Example to Other Courts for How They Should Approach Eyewitness Experts, Maureen Stoneman
United States v. Thomas: When the Preservation of Juror Secrecy during Deliberations Outweighs the Ability to Dismiss a Juror for Nullification, Frank A. Bacelli
Universal Human Rights, The United Nations, And the Telos of Human Dignity, William J. Wagner
Unleashing a Cure for the Botnet Zombie Plague: Cybertorts, Counterstrikes, and Privileges, T. Luis de Guzman
Unlocking Catholic Social Doctrine: Narrative is Key, William J. Wagner
Unscrambling the FCC's Net Neutrality Order: Preserving the Open Internet—But Which One, Larry Downes
Untangling the Web Spun by Title VII's Referral and Deferral Scheme, Lisa M. Durham Taylor
Untying the Web of Network Elements: How the FCC Should Regulate Operational Support Systems, Brian M. Lowinger
Urban Planning and Land Development Control Law. By Donald G. Hagman. St. Paul: West Publishing Co., 1971 Pp. xxvii, 559., G. Graham Waite
U.S. – EU Understanding on Helmsburton: A Missed Opportunity to Fix International Law on Property Rights, Edwin D. Williamson
U.S. Federalism and Spanish Autonomy – Lessons from U.S. Federalism for the External Activities of Substate Entities, Antonio F. Perez
Ushering Universal Service Reform: Politically Feasible Legislative Principles, Brian Regan
Usury Law and the Christian Right: Faith-Based Political Power and the Geography of American Payday Loan Regulation, Steven M. Graves and Christopher L. Peterson
Utility and the New Legislation , Alan Grimaldi
Utilizing "Essentiality of Access" Analyses to Mitigate Risky, Costly and Untimely Government Interventions in Converging Telecommunications Technologies and Markets, Barbara A. Cherry
Variables in Health Care Policy Making: Resolving A Quandary, George P. Smith II
Vermont Agency of Natural Resources: Has the High Court Sounded the Death Knell for Qui Tam Litigation?, Catherine L. Razzano
Vernon X. Miller: Association Man, Michael H. Cardozo
Victimized Twice: Asylum Seekers and the Material-Support Bar, Steven H. Schulman
Video Dialtone: Concentration or Competition, W. Joseph Price
Vindicating the Patient's Rights: A Comparative Perspective, Dieter Giesen
Violent Pornography: Degradation of Women versus Right of Free Speech, Lisa G. Lerman
Virginia's Intrafamily Immunity Decisions: What Public Policy Giveth, Will the Insurance Policy Taketh Away?, Philip E. Groves
Virtual Child Pornography as a New Category of Unprotected Speech, Kelly Guglielmi
Virtual Contacts in Patent Cases: How Should Internet-Related Contacts Affect the Personal Jurisdiction Analysis?, Megan M. La Belle
Virtual Lollipops and Lost Puppies: How Far Can States Go to Protect Minors through the Use of Internet Luring Laws, M. Megan McCune
Vitae - George P. Smith, II - Professor of Law, The Catholic University of America - 1977-, Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy
Voice over Internet Protocol: Ending Uncertainty and Promoting Innovation through a Regulatory Framework, R. Alex DuFour
Voices Past: The Present and Future of VoIP Regulation, Mark C. Del Bianco
Volume 15 - Number 1, Catholic University Law Review
Volume 15 - Number 2, Catholic University Law Review
Volume II, Giovanna M. Cinelli
Volume VII, Patrick T. Clendenen
Volume X, John E. Durkin
Voluntarily Confined Mental Retardates: The Right to Treatment vs. the Right to Protection from Harm, Charlene Barshefsky and Roberta Liebenberg
Voluntary Arbitration Program, Joseph Boyle
Voluntary Incentive Auctions: The Benefits of a Market-Based Spectrum Policy, Jessica Elder
Volunteers...Not Profiteers: The Hydrolevel Myth, William J. Curran III
Vouchers for School Choice - Challenge or Opportunity? An American Jewish Reappraisal, Marshall J. Breger and David M. Gordis
Waiver: A Comprehensive Analysis of a Consequence of Inadvertently Producing Documents Protected by the Attorney-Client Privilege, Roberta M. Harding
Waiver of Beck Rights and Resignation Rights: Infusing the Union-Member Relationship With Individualized Commitment, Heidi Marie Werntz
Waiver of Trial by Jury Following Waiver of Counsel , Eric E. Wright
Waiving Goodbye to Nondisclosure Under FOIA’s Exemption 4: The Scope and Applicability of the Waiver Doctrine, Patrick Lightfoot
Waiving Goodbye to Personal Jurisdiction Defenses: Why United State Courts Should Maintain a Rebuttable Presumption of Preclusion and Waiver within the Context of International Litigation, Christina M. Manfredi
Waldbaum v. Fairchild Publications, Inc.: Giving Objectivity to the Defintion of Public Figures , Thomas H. Suddath Jr.
Walker-Thomas Strikes Back: Comment on the Pleading and Proof of Price Unconscionability, Harvey L. Zuckman
Wallace v. Jaffree and the Need to Reform Establishment Clause Analysis, Patrick F. Brown
Waller, Warnock and Roe v. Wade: Variations of the Status of the Orphan Embryo, Bart Van de Weghe
Walton v. Arizona: The Confusion Surrounding the Sentencing of Capital Defendants Continues, Lori L. Nader
WAR AND JUSTICE. By Robert L. Phillips.* Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1984., Charles J. Reid Jr.
Warning: The Imported Food You Are about to Consume May (Or May Not) Be Harmful to Your Health, James Robert Burke
Warrantless Misdemeanor Arrest for Drunk Driving Found Invalid in Schram v. District of Columbia, J. Bradley Ortins
Warrantless Physical Searches for Foreign Intelligence Purposes: Executive Order 12,333 and the Fourth Amendment, William F. Brown and Americo R. Cinquegrana
Wartime Drama: The Theater in Washington, Maxwell Bloomfield
Washington's New Domestic Relations Tribunal , Frank H. Myers
Webster, Privacy, and RU486, Eric M. Haas
Weighing Crime Victims' Interests in Judicially Crafted Criminal Procedure, Douglas E. Beloof
Weighing Medical Judgments: Explaining Evidentiary Preferences for Treating Physician Opinions in ERISA Cases after Black & Decker Disability Plan v. Nord, Roy F. Harmon III and A.G. Harmon
Whacking Unarmed Women: Gaps in the Law of Armed Conflict, Michael F. Noone Jr.
What Are Freedoms For?, John H. Garvey
What Catholic Social Teaching Says to Catholic Sponsors of Church Plans, Alison M. Sulentic
What Did the Unbundled Network Element Platform Cost?, Jerry Ellig and James Nicholas Taylor
What Does Natural Law Jurisprudence Offer?, George W. Constable
What Does the Constitution Say About the Vouchers?, John H. Garvey
What Happens When We Die: Estate Planning of Digital Assets, Maria Perrone
What If Seeds Were Not Patentable?, Elizabeth I. Winston
What is a Reasonable Demand on Health Care Resources? Designing a Basic Package of Benefits, Daniel Callahan
What Is Left of Listener Standing? The D.C. Circuit's Continuing Flirtation with a Dying Doctrine, Barry H. Gottfried and Jarrett S. Taubman
What Is News?: The FCC and the New Battle over the Regulation of Video New Releases, Clay Calvert
What Is the Method To Their "Madness?" Experimental Treatment Exclusions in Health Insurance Policies, J. Gregory Lahr
WHAT KIND OF LIFE: THE LIMITS OF MEDICAL PROGRESS. By Daniel Callahan. New York: Simon & Schuster. 1990. 318 Pp. $19.95., Francis J. Hearn Jr.
What’s Love Got to Do with It: Securing Access to Justice for Abused Teens, Lisa Vollendorf Martin
What’s Next After Separationism?, John H. Garvey
What's the Use? Good Faith Evaluations of 'Fair Use' and Digital Millennium Copyright Act 'Takedown' Notices, Andre Menko Bleech
What the #$%& Is Happening on Television? Indecency in Broadcasting, Treasa Chidester
What to Do When Employers Discriminate Against Unions (Part 1), Roger C. Hartley and Florian Bartosic
What to Do When Employers Discriminate Against Unions (Part 2), Roger C. Hartley and Florian Bartosic
What Was He Thinking? Mens Rea’s Deterrent Effect on Machinegun Possession Under 18 U.S.C. § 924 (c), Stephanie Power
When a Delegation is Not a Delegation: Using Legislative Meaning to Define Statutory Gaps, Robert J. Gregory
When Can the Government’s Misrepresentations Give Rise to a Constitutional Tort?, Antonio F. Perez
When Cleansing Criminal History Clashes With the First Amendment and Online Journalism: Are Expungement Statutes Irrelevant in the Digital Age?, Clay Calvert and Jerry Bruno
When do Claims Challenging a Statute’s Effect on Pre-Existing Contracts Accrue?, Lucia A. Silecchia
When Does an Advertisement About Issues Become an "Issues Ad"?, Allison R. Hayward
WHEN PARENTS FAIL: The Law's Response to Family Breakdown. By Sanford N. Katz. Boston: Beacon Press 1971. Pp. 251. $12.50., William F. Fox Jr.
When Secrecy Trumps Transparency: Why the OPEN Government Act of 2007 Falls Short, Martin E. Halstuk
When You Wish Upon a Star: The J.D. Fantasy, George P. Smith II
Where Are Terrorists to Be Tried: A Comparative Analysis of Rights Granted to Suspected Terrorists, Amos N. Guiora
Where in the World Are We Going with the New Genetics?, John C. Fletcher
Where No Lawyer Has Gone Before? What a Cyberspace Attorney Can Learn from Space Law's Legacy, David S. Weitzel
Where Pardons Are Concerned, Second Best May Not Be So Bad After All: A Response to Chad Flanders, Cara H. Drinan
While the Senate Sleeps: Do Contemporary Events Warrant a New Interpretation of the Recess Appointments Clause?, Blake Denton
Whistleblowers and Rogues: An Urgent Call for an Affirmative Defense to Corporate Criminal Liability, Marcia Narine
Whither Truth in Lending?, Ralph J. Rohner
Whitner v. State: Aberrational Judicial Response or Wave of the Future for Maternal Substance Abuse Cases?, Carolyn Coffey
Who Determines When Enough is Enough - Refocusing Regulatory Limitations on Banks’ Compensation Practices, Heidi Mandanis Schooner
Who Is Responsible for Fraternity Related Injuries on American College Campuses?, Kerri Mumford
Who Killed Sovereignty – or: Changing Norms Concerning Sovereignty in International Law, Antonio F. Perez
Who Knows Where You Are? Privacy and Wireless Services, Ellen Traupman
Who Let the Katz Out? How the ECPA and SCA Fail to Apply to Modern Digital Communications and How Returning to the Principles in Katz v. United States Will Fix It, Nicholas Matlach
Whom Do You Trust?: Judicial Independence, the Power of the Purse and the Line-Item Veto, Robert A. Destro
Who Needs Wall Street? The Dilemma of Regulating Securities Trading in Cyberspace, Christina K. McGlosson
Whose Line is It Anyway? The First Amendment and Cable Open Access, Harold Feld
Whose Statute Is It Anyway?: Why and How Courts Should Use Presidential Signing Statements When Interpreting Federal Statutes, Kristy L. Carroll
Who's Your Daddy?: A Constitutional Analysis of Post-Mortem Insemination, John A. Gibbons
Who Will Hear? An Examination of the Regulation of Hearing Aids, Steven B. Adams
Why Augustine? Why Now?, Jean Bethke Elshtain
Why It's Crazy for a Psychiatrist to Talk About Insanity, Martin Blinder
Why Likud Needs the Peace Process, Marshall J. Breger and Steven Speigel
Why Monuments are Government Speech: The Hard Case of Pleasant Grove City v. Summun, Mary Jean Dolan
Why Non-discrimination Policies in Higher Education Require a Second Look: The Battle for First Amendment Freedom in the University Setting, Rebecca D. Ryan
Why Not Heroin? The Controversy Surrounding the Legalization of Heroin for Therapeutic Purposes, Suzanne Marcus Stoll
Why Regulate Broadcasting? Toward a Consistent First Amendment Standard for the Information Age, Adam Thierer
Why Sell What You Can License?, Contracting Around Statutory Protection of Intellectual Property, Elizabeth I. Winston
Why Sparky Can't Bark - A Study of the Ban on Broadcast Advertisments for Lotteries, John Crigler, John Wells King, and Amelia L. Brown
Why the Patently Offensive Just Became More Offensive: The “Pole Tax” and the Texas Supreme Court’s Expansion of the Secondary Effects Doctrine in Combs v. Texas Entertainment Ass’n, Frances Taylor Bishop
Why the Traditional First Amendment Right to a Public Trial Cannot Be Applied to Military Tribunals, Jessica Zarrella
Why Y2K?: Challenges for the Communications Industry, Michael K. Powell
Widening the Advisory Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice without Amending Its Statute, Stephen M. Schwebel
William C. Robinson and the Early Years of the Catholic University of America, Frederick H. Jackson
William E. Leahy - An Appreciation, James A. Magner
William Sampson and the Codifiers: The Roots of American Legal Reform, Maxwell Bloomfield
Will It Take a Move by the New York Yankees for the Seneca Nation to Obtain a Class III Gaming Licence?, Marianne T. Caulfield
Will No-Fault Insurance Cost More Or Less?, C. Arthur Williams Jr.
Wilson v. Johns-Manville Sales Corp. and Statutes of Limitations in Latent Injury Litigation: An Equitable Expansion of the Discovery Rule, Kim Marie Covello
Wilson v. United States: The Narrow Line between Innis and Edwards, Elaine Charlson Bredehoft
WiMAX in Africa: A New Frontier, Sandra C. Lee
Winning Medicine: Professional Sports Team Doctors' Conflicts of Interest, Scott Polsky
Winning the Crowd: Harnessing Taxpayer Choices to Improve Educational Quality, W. Edward Afield
Wireless Local Number Portability and Its Effect on Competition: Can There Be Too Much of a Good Thing?, Nicole B. Stach
Wireless Technologies Creating Competition in the Local Exchange Market: How Will Local Exchange Carriers Compete, Lisa M. Warner
Wireless Telecommunications, Infrastructure Security, and the Nimby Problem, Steven J. Eagle
WIRETAPPING AND EAVESDROPPING. By Clifford S. Fishman. Rochester: Lawyers Co-Operative Publishing Co. 1978. Pp. 587 and Supplement, Herman Kaufman
Wiretapping & Eavesdropping: Surveillance in the Internet Age (3rd ed.), Clifford S. Fishman and Anne T. McKenna
With Freedom Comes Responsibility: Ensuring That the Next Generation of Technologies is Accessible, Usable and Affordable, William E. Kennard and Elizabeth Evans Lyle
With No Place to Turn: Improving Legal Advocacy for Battered Immigrant Women, Leslye E. Orloff, Deeana Jang, and Catherine F. Klein
Wobbling Back to the Fire: Economic Efficiency and the Creation of a Retail Market for Set-Top Boxes, T. Randolph Beard, George S. Ford, Lawrence J. Spiwak, and Michael Stern
Wombs for Rent, Selves for Sale?, David H. Smith
Women in Combat: Changing the Rules, Michael F. Noone Jr.
Workers on the March: Work Stoppages, Public Rallies, and the National Labor Relations Act, Rachael M. Simon
Working Towards a Better Understanding of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder as a Legal Disability in Employment Law, Michael W. Sweeney
Workplace Democracy & Market Reconstruction: An Agenda for Legal Reform, Karl E. Klare
Wrongful Death and the Unborn Child: Should Viability Be a Prerequisite for a Cause or Action?, Daniel S. Meade
"Wrongful Living": Recovery for a Physicians's Infringement on an Individual's Right to Die, John Donohue III
WTO and UN Law, Antonio F. Perez
You Can't Always Get What You Want, But If You Try Sometimes You Can Steal It and Call it Fair Use: A Proposal to Abolish the Fair Use Defense for Music, William Henslee
You Can’t Go Home Again: Analyzing an Asylum Applicant’s Voluntary Return Trip to His Country of Origin, Brett C. Rowan
You Have the Right to Remain Silent: Does the U.S. Constitution Require Public Affirmation of Same-Sex Marriage?, Robert A. Destro
You Say You Want a Revolution? Fact and Fiction Regarding Broadband CMRS and Local Competition, Charles D. Cosson
Zale Corporation v. Internal Revenue Service: Turmoil in the Disclosure Scheme for Tax Return Information , Robert W. Metzler
Zobrest v. Catalina Foothills School District: Equal Protection, Neutrality, and the Establishment Clause, James J. Dietrich
Zoning – The Floating Zone: A Potential Instrument of Versatile Zoning, Catholic University Law Review