Content Posted in 2018
113th Commencement Address, Alberto Gonzales
114th Commencement Address, Janice Rogers Brown
115th Commencement Address, Elaine L. Chao
116th Commencement Address, Kathleen Q. Abernathy
117th Commencement Address, Rick Renzi
118th Commencement Address, Robert James Nicholson
119th Commencement Address, Samuel A. Alito Jr.
120th Commencement Address, Mark Shields
124th Commencement Address, William T. Robinson III
125th Commencement Address, Jane Golden Belford
126th Commencement Address, Michael J. Bidwill
127th Commencement Address, Paul D. Clement
128th Commencement Address, Charlene Barshefsky
129th Commencement Address, Brett M. Kavanaugh
A Conversation with Ambassador Sam Brownback, Sam Brownback
A Conversation with His Excellency David Mulhall, David Mulhall
A Conversation with Noel Francisco, Noel Francisco
A Conversation with The Honorable R. Alexander Acosta, R. Alexander Acosta
A Dream Deferred: A Discussion about DACA and Immigration Law and Policy in the United States, Luiz Pedrosa, Cori Alonso-Yoder, Dara Lind, and Rabia Chaundry
Analytical Nightmare: The Materially Adverse Action Requirement in Disparate Treatment Cases, Esperanza N. Sanchez
A Practical Approach: Applying the Privileges or Immunities Clause to Intrastate State Commerce Disputes, Kevin Tamul
A Special Lecture by the Honorable Samuel Alito, Samuel Alito
Being Forced to Code in the Technology Era as a Violation of the First Amendment Protection Against Compelled Speech, Adrianna Oddo
Cat Scratch Fever: The Spread of the Cat’s Paw Doctrine in the Second Circuit, Crystal Jackson-Kaloz
Changing Governance Models by Applying Blockchain Computing, Steve Young
Clearing the Air: Does Choosing Agency Deference in Security Clearance Rulings Dilute Constitutional Challenges?, Frank Russo
Clinical Legal Education: An Annotated Bibliography, J.P. "Sandy" Ogilvy
Conflicts and Laudato Si’: Ten Principles for Environmental Dispute Resolution, Lucia A. Silecchia
Constitutional Anomalies or As-Applied Challenges? A Defense of Religious Exemptions, Mark L. Rienzi
Dating Dangerously: Risks Lurking within Mobile Dating Apps, Alyssa Murphy
Defending Place-Based Philanthropy by Defining the Community Foundation, Roger Colinvaux
Democracy Clauses in the Americas: The Challenge of Venezuela’s Withdrawal from the OAS, Antonio F. Perez
Demokracja Elektorska i Populistyczna z Perspektywy Wyboru D. Trumpa na Presydenta USA, Rett R. Ludwikowski
Dignity As A Human Right?, George P. Smith II
“Dignity in Living and in Dying”: The Henry H. H. Remak Memorial Lecture, George P. Smith II
Enforcing Constitutional Rights Through Computer Code, Steve Young
Enhancing Corporate Cyber Security, Susan Axelrod
Equitable Relief for ERISA Benefit Plan Designation Mistakes, Raymond C. O'Brien
Equitable Relief for ERISA Benefit Plan Designation Mistakes, Raymond C. O'Brien
Failed Charity: Taking State Tax Benefits Into Account for Purposes of the Charitable Deduction, Roger Colinvaux
Family Law in Perspective (4th ed.), Raymond C. O'Brien, Walter Wadlington, and Robin F. Wilson
Federal Criminal Defendants Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire? Brady and the United States Attorney’s Office, Vida B. Johnson
From Storefront to Dashboard: The Use of the Americans with Disabilities Act to Govern Websites, Kelby S. Carlson
God’s Grace and the Marketplace: Mainline Protestant Church, Faith and Business, Sarah Helene Duggin
How I Became a Civil Rights Lawyer in the Federal Government, Maya Noronha
International Law and the Balfour Decision, Geoffrey R. Watson
Is a Delayed Result a Just Result? The Use of Laches as an Equitable Defense to Remedial Back Pay Under the EEOC's Sovereignty, Ruth Ann Mueller
Is Your Smartphone Conversation Private? The StingRay Device’s Impact on Privacy in States, Katherine M. Sullivan
It Is a Mindboggling Dilemma: To Play or Not to Play Youth Sports Due to Concussion Risks?, Dr. Tracey B. Carter
Keynote Address, Elizabeth Goitein
Keynote Address, Brendan Carr
La Promesa Cumplida [The Promise Fulfilled]: How the U.S. Constitution has Enabled Colonialism, Dean Delasalas
Lessons Learned Delivering the Fruit of Service to those Left Behind, Frederick Woods
“Let Them Eat Cake”: Examining United States Retirement Savings Policy Through The Lens of International Human Rights Principles, Regina T. Jefferson
Lost in the Shuffle: The Other Indigent Defendants in Georgia, Cara H. Drinan
Maintaining a Conversation with the Consumer, While Protecting the Brand: A Discussion with Under Armour, Toke Vandervoort and Douglas A. Rettew
Meeting the Challenges to America's Economic Future: Charting the Course in U.S. Intellectual Property & Innovation Policy, With an Introduction by Megan M. La Belle, International IP Commercialization Council
Mobile Instant Messaging Evidence in Criminal Trials, Youngjin Choi
Panel, Kathleen Q. Abernathy, Doug Brake, Chris Lewis, Hal J. Singer, and Gigi Sohn
Panel One:The History of Surveillance and The Fourth Amendment, Robert Litt, Sarah St. Vincent, Robert Timothy Reagan, and Kenneth Wainstein
Panel Two: Changing the Landscape — Efforts to Re-Shape Surveillance Law, Robert Parmiter, Patrick Eddington, Michelle Richardson, and Jamil N. Jaffer
Partisan Gerrymandering and the Illusion of Unfairness, Jacob Eisler
Pope Francis's Message of Faith,Love,Humility and Mercy: Does it Really Matter?, Mark Shriver
Privacy vs. Protection: Why Tracking Mobile-device Location Data Without a Warrant Requires a Fourth Amendment Exception, Andrew Stover
Providing Protection to Programmers' Works: Disregard the Merger Doctrine and Adopt the Application Approach, Akshay Jain
Re-Evaluating the Demise of the Average, Ordinary, Reasonable Person: Unintended Consequences in the Law of Nuisance, George P. Smith & William P. Lane
Religious Organizations as Partners in the Global and Local Fight Against Human Trafficking, Mary Graw Leary
SARE Manipulation: The Hurdles in Single-Asset Real Estate Cases, David R. Hague
Say What You Want: How Unfettered Freedom of Speech on the Internet Creates No Recourse for Those Victimized, Wes Gerrie
Smart Baby Monitors: The Modern Nanny or a Home Invader, Sarah Ensenat
Soft-Served Deserts: Soft Retributivism as a Free Will-Independent Alternative for the Criminal Justice System, Theodore Benson Randles
Sometimes, Old Rules Know Best: Returning to Common Law Conceptions of the Duty to Preserve in the Digital Information Age, Robert Keeling
Standing to Appeal at the Federal Circuit: Appellants, Appellees, and Intervenors, Matthew J. Dowd and Jonathan Stroud
Sustainability, Corporate Value, and SEC Reporting, Daniel Goelzer
The CFPB’s Endaround, Chris O'Brien
The Changing Roles of Shareholder Activism, Jason Frankle
The Driving Force behind International Maritime Disputes, Raymond Magorien
The Essence Test: Picking Up a Supreme Court Fumble, Thomas Gentry
The Future of Religious Liberty in America, Mark L. Rienzi
The Impact of Regulatory Measures Imposed on Initial Coin Offerings in the United States Market Economy, Joseph D. Moran
The Indecency and Injustice of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, Mary Graw Leary
The Perfect Play: Why the Fair Labor Standards Act Covers Division I Men’s Basketball and Football Players, Richard Smith Jr.
The Proper Appellate Standard of Review for PTAB Factual Findings Made Incidental to Claim Construction, A. David Brzozowski II
Touch DNA and Chemical Analysis of Skin Trace Evidence: Protecting Privacy While Advancing Investigations, Mary Graw Leary
Virtue as a Driver of Success in the Law, Anthony J. Dick
World Bank Investment Instruments for Third World Nations, Dennis C. Sullivan