Best Practices for Legal Education: A Vision and a Road Map
This book provides a vision of what legal education might become if legal educators step back and consider how they can most effectively prepare students for practice. It has several potential uses. It could serve as a road map for a partial or complete review of a law school’s program of instruction. It could also help individual teachers improve course design, delivery of instruction, and assessment of student learning. Most of all, however, we hope the document will facilitate dialogue about legal education among law teachers and between law teachers and other members of the legal profession. A serious, thoughtful reconsideration of legal education in the United States is long overdue.
The principles of best practices described in this document are based on long recognized principles of sound educational practices as well as recent research and scholarship about teaching and learning. Our conclusions are based on the most up-to-date information available. Such resources include Educating Lawyers, the report of a study of legal education conducted by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, and the unpublished drafts of chapters for a book being written by Judith Wegner, which contain her personal observations and conclusions as the principal investigator for the Carnegie Foundation’s study.
Publication Date
Clinical Legal Education Association
Law | Legal Education
Recommended Citation
Ogilvy, J.P. "Sandy" and Stuckey, Roy T., "Best Practices for Legal Education: A Vision and a Road Map" (2007). Faculty Books. 13.