Ethical Problems in The Practice of Law: Concise Edition for the Two Credit Courses (3rd ed.)
A lighter-weight, shorter edition for two-credit courses, Ethical Problems in the Practice of Law: Concise Edition for Two Credit Courses, Third Edition, like its popular full-sized version, is built around dozens of problems for classroom discussion. Most are based on actual cases, including many classic legal ethics cases that appear in other textbooks. Students are put in the roles of lawyers and asked to decide how to proceed. Clear, concise explanations of the law in Q&A format precede each problem, providing the rules and doctrines necessary to address each one. The up-to-date presentation includes the most important rules changes made by the ABA in August, 2012, and the graphical elements (tables, pictures, New Yorker cartoons, and the like) make the doctrine come alive. An excellent, downloadable Teacher s Manual is written in the form of class notes with extensive guidance on how to generate exciting class discussions. Detailed analysis is provided for each problem, exploring both its strategic and its ethical tensions. Teachers can easily adapt the content of the manual to their own preferences and styles, or use it as is for instant class preparation. The real case feature reveals what happened in the actual cases on which the problems are based. The authors post important updates on the book s companion website, so professors need not wait for annual supplements to stay abreast of new developments. Audio interviews with lawyers involved in the cases on which the problems are based are available on the website as well.
Publication Date
Wolters Kluwer Law & Business
Law | Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility
Recommended Citation
Lerman, Lisa G. and Schrag, Philip, "Ethical Problems in The Practice of Law: Concise Edition for the Two Credit Courses (3rd ed.)" (2013). Faculty Books. 92.