Front Matter
Table of Contents (v.16 no.2)
Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy
Copyright Notice (v.16 no.2)
Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy
[Photo of Professor Arthur L. Caplan]
Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy
Third Pary Reimbursement for Participation in Cancer Clinical Trials: A Proposal for Legislation
Gina Mazzariello Plaue
Pesticide Toxicity, Human Subjects, and the Environmental Protection Agency's Dilemma
Heidi Gorovitz Robertson and Samuel Gorovitz
The Washington Hospital Center Example: A Hospital's Guide to Implementing the Rapid Organ Recovery Program
Karen Edelman Clarke
The Defense Threath Reduction Agency: A Note on the United States' Approach to the Threat of Chemical and Biological Warfare
Matthew Linkie
The Texas Health Care Liability Act: Texas Is the First State to Listen to the Concerns of Its Health Care Consumemrs, But How Much Has It Heard?
Kristin M. McCabe