Front Matter
Table of Contents (v.18 no.1)
Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy
Copyright Notice (v.18 no.1)
Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy
Long-Term Care under Fire: A Case for Rational Enforcement
Jennifer Gimler Brady
Federal Funding of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research - Illegal, Unethical and Unnecessary
Susan E. Wills
A Case for Federal Funding of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research: The Interplay of Moral Absolutism and Scientific Research
Robert E. McGough
Tomorrow's Unleaded Children: Child Care Facilities, Lead Paint and the Law
Christopher P. Daignault
The Fox Guarding the Henhouse: How the Health Care Quality Improvement Act of 1986 and State Peer Review Protection Statutes Have Helped Protect Bad Faith Peer Review in the Medical Community
Yann H. H. van Geertruyden
To Tell or Not to Tell: The Scope of Physician-Patient Confidentiality When Relatives Are at Risk of Genetic Disease
Andrea Sudell
Fitting a Square Peg in a Round Hole: Why Traditional Tort Principles Do Not Apply to Wrongful Birth Actions
Paula Berstein
Circumventing Environmental Policy: Does the Americans With Disabilities Act Provide Protection Where Environmental Statutes Don't?
Michael S. Heyl