Front Matter
Table of Contents (v.5)
Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy
Copyright Notice (v.5)
Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy
Masthead (v.5)
Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy
George P. Smith and Francis J. Hearn Jr.
Baby M: Catalyst for Family Law Reform?
Walter J. Wadlington
Where in the World Are We Going with the New Genetics?
John C. Fletcher
Character, Virtue and Self-Interest in the Ethics of the Professions
Edmund D. Pellegrino
A Crazy System: Mental Health Care Delivery in America
Steven R. Smith
Patient Threats against Third Parties: The Psychotherapist's Duty of Reasonable Care
Charles B. McCarty
Cobra: An Incremental Approach to National Health Insurance
Thomas H. Somers
The Lesson of the Red Squirrel: Consensus and Betrayal in the Environmental Statutes
William H. Rodgers Jr.
Curing the Health Care Industry: Government Response to Medicare Fraud and Abuse
Francis J. Hearn Jr.
Agent Orange and Asbestos: A Care for Federal Common Law
Francis V. Kenneally
A Call for Action: The Burning Issue of Smoking in the Workplace
Kathryn M. Doolan and Robert A. Indeglia Jr.
Sterilization: A "Remedy for the Malady" of Child Abuse?
Colleen M. Coyle
Parham v. J.R.: Civil Psychiatric Commitment of Minors
Susan A. Turner
Haymon v. Wilkerson: The Wrongful Birth Cause of Action Emerges in the District of Columbia
Pamela S. Stever
Euthanasia in Maryland: The Right to Die With Dignity?
Michael L. Dailey
Mother v. Fetus – The Case of "Do or Die": In re A.C.
Douglas B. Snyder
Perfect Together: Ayers v. Jackson Township and Presymptom Medical Surveillance Awards in Toxic Torts
John K. McNamara Jr.
Book Reviews
SETTING LIMITS: MEDICAL GoALs IN AN AGING SOCIETY. By Daniel Callahan. New York: Simon & Schuster. 1987. 257 Pp. $18.95.
Giovanna M. Cinelli
THE NEW BIOLOGY: LAW, ETHICS AND BIOTECHNOLOGY. By George P. Smith, II. New York: Human Sciences Press, Plenum Publishing Corp. 1989. 292 Pp. $36.95.
Josephine Y. King
Cumulative Index - 1985-1989 - Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5
Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy