Winter 2009
Front Matter
Table of Contents (v.58 no.2)
Catholic University Law Review
Jumping Off the Merry-Go-Round: How the Federal Courts Will Reconcile the Circular Deference Problem Between HIPAA and FOIA
Catherine J. Cameron
The United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims at Twenty: A Proposal for a Legislative Commission to Consider Its Future
Michael P. Allen
Is There Any Viability to Scheme Liability for Secondary Actors after Stoneridge Investment Partners, LLC v. Scientific-Atlanta, Inc.?
Joanna B. Apolinsky
Pro Se Criminal Trials and the Merging of Inquisitorial and Adversarial Systems of Justice
Sharon Finegan
State Menu-Labeling Legislation: A Dormant Giant Waiting to Be Awoken by Commerce Clause Challenges
Lauren F. Gizzi
Death by Reckless Design: The Need for Stricter Criminal Statutes for Engineering-Related Homicides
Michael Willats