Nonprofits in Crisis: Changes to Giving Rules and Politicization

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On November 19, 2020, Catholic Law presented the third event in the Contemporary Challenges in American & Global Law webinar series. This program is held in conjunction with Catholic Law’s partners at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland. The afternoon webinar, “Nonprofits in Crisis: Changes to Giving Rules and Politicization,” was moderated by Professor Emerita Leah Wortham. Wortham is director of the American Law Program and the LL.M. program in which Catholic University has cooperated with Jagiellonian University for many years. Catholic Law Professor Roger Colinvaux, Director of the Law and Public Policy Program (LPP), began the discussion from the American perspective, and comments were then made by Dr. Katarzyna Zdybska Przybysławska, President of Halina Niec Legal Aid Center in Kraków, Poland.
