The faculty at the Columbus School of Law have published articles in a wide variety of legal and non-legal disciplines. This repository collection includes a selection of some of the many articles authored by our faculty. A more complete bibliography of faculty scholarship is available at the link below.
Submissions from 1980
The Special Study of the Options Market: Its Findings and Recommendations, David A. Lipton
Submissions from 1979
A Functional Analysis of Truth in Lending, Ralph J. Rohner and Jonathan M. Landers
An Obscure Object of Desire: Minimizing the Information Reporting Burden, George P. Smith II
An Overview of Legal Principles and Issues Affecting Postsecondary Athletics, William A. Kaplin
Children and the First Amendment, John H. Garvey
Children and the Idea of Liberty: A Comment on the Civil Commitment Cases, John H. Garvey
Civil Procedure, John H. Garvey and Beth Pederson Doutt
David Hoffman and the Shaping of a Republican Legal Culture, Maxwell Bloomfield
Equal Credit Opportunity Act, Ralph J. Rohner
For Lack of a National Policy on Consumer Credit: Preliminary Thoughts on the Need for Unified Federal Agency Rulemaking, Ralph J. Rohner
Limits of Ancillary Jurisdiction, John H. Garvey
Marbury v. Madison, Lord Coke and Dr. Bonham: Relics of the Past, Guidelines for the Present: Judicial Review in Transition?, George P. Smith II
Marquette: Bad Law and Worse Policy, Ralph J. Rohner
New Directions in the Enforcement of Consumer Credit Laws: From Public to Private and Back Again, Ralph J. Rohner
Problems of Federalism in the Regulation of Consumer Financial Services Offered by Commercial Banks, Part I, Ralph J. Rohner
The Minimization Requirement in Electronic Surveillance: Title III, the Fourth Amendment, and the Dread Scott Decision, Clifford S. Fishman
The Texas Bar in the Nineteenth Century, Maxwell Bloomfield
Violent Pornography: Degradation of Women versus Right of Free Speech, Lisa G. Lerman
Submissions from 1978
A Close Encounter of the First Kind: Artificial Insemination and an Enlightened Judiciary, George P. Smith II
Attorney’s Affidavit in Litigation Proceedings, John H. Garvey
Civil Procedure, John H. Garvey and Bill Dorris
Comment, Discrimination in Access to Public Places: A Survey of State and Federal Public Accommodations Laws, Lisa G. Lerman and Annette K. Sanderson
Epieikeia: Equitable Lawmaking in the Construction of Statutes, Raymond B. Marcin
Ideological Pluralism and Government Regulation of Private Morality, Raymond B. Marcin
Judicial Consideration of the Delegation of Legislative Power to Regulatory Agencies in the Progressive Era, John H. Garvey