Contemporary Challenges in American & Global Law
Submissions from 2021
European and U.S. Perspectives on Investment Fund Regulation, Wictor Furman and James V. Catano
Examining United States Retirement Savings Policy through the Lens of International Human Rights Principles, Regina T. Jefferson, Elżbieta Karska, and Leah Wortham
#MeToo and #BlackLives Matter: Conflicting Objectives or Opportunities for Advancement of Shared Priorities?, Mary Graw Leary, Aleksandra Kustra-Rogatka, and Leah Wortham
Approaches to Combating Gender-Based Violence: The Council of Europe Istanbul Convention Approach and the U.S. Experience, Katarzyna Wolska-Wrona, Diane Kiesel, and Leah Wortham
Sustainable Investment - The New Heart of EU Financial Market Regulation, Gaspar Kot, Chris Concannon, and Leah Wortham
The War on Kids: Progress and the Path forward on Juvenile Justice, Cara H. Drinan, Leah Wortham, and Wlodzimierz Wróbel
How Well Did the Post-2008 Financial Crisis Regime Prepare the World for the COVID-19 Pandemic?, Heidi Mandanis Schooner, Leah Wortham, and Michal Bobrzynski
European Union and United States Budget-Making: Process, Politics, and Policy in a COVID-Challenged World, Katarzyna Stryjniak and Karen A. Tramontano
International Law and the New Biden Administration, Geoffrey R. Watson, Izabela Krasnicka, and Leah Wortham
Will COVID-19 be a Force Majeure Event in Commercial Contracts? A Civil and Common Law Analysis, Leah Wortham, Vincenzo Senatore, and Andrew Palmieri
Submissions from 2020
Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property, Megan M. La Belle and Titus Cytowski
Data Privacy in the US: Where We Stand Today and Predictions for the Future, Justyna Regan and Douglas G. Bonner
The Cloud—A New Legal Frontier, Wojciech Jarosinski and Paul Nagle
Nonprofits in Crisis: Changes to Giving Rules and Politicization, Roger Colinvaux and Katarzyna Zdybska Przybysławska
Why Compliance Matters – The Increasing Significance of the Compliance and Ethics Function in Global Corporations, Leah Wortham, Sarah Helene Duggin, and Michal Rams
Wirecard, Europe’s Enron? - Auditor Liability to Investors Corporate Fraud, Leah Wortham, Marc Liebscher, and Christopher D. Christian