The faculty at the Columbus School of Law have published articles in a wide variety of legal and non-legal disciplines. This repository collection includes a selection of some of the many articles authored by our faculty. A more complete bibliography of faculty scholarship is available at the link below.
Submissions from 2005
The ‘Wall’ Decisions in Legal and Political Context, Geoffrey R. Watson
TILA ‘Finance’ and ‘Other’ Charges in Open-End Credit: The Cost-of Credit Principle Applied to Charges for Optional Products or Services, Ralph J. Rohner and Thomas Durkin
Traditional Paradisms for the Causes of War Applied to the International Trading System: Nation-State Institutions in a World of Market-States, Antonio F. Perez
Universal Human Rights, The United Nations, And the Telos of Human Dignity, William J. Wagner
Submissions from 2004
Business as a Vocation: Implications for Catholic Legal Education, George E. Garvey
Catholic Social Teaching and Its Impact on American Law: Observations on the Past and Reflections on the Future, Lucia A. Silecchia
Clergy, Sex, and the American Way, Raymond C. O'Brien
Constitutionalization of Human Rights in Post-Soviet States and Latin America: A Comparative Analysis, Rett R. Ludwikowski
Crawford v. Washington: The Supreme Court Opts for a New (Old?) Approach to the Confrontation Clause, Clifford S. Fishman
Cross Burning – Hate Speech as Free Speech: A Comment on Virginia v. Black, Roger C. Hartley
Deconstructing Teresa O’Brien: A Role Play For Domestic Violence Clinics, Leigh Goodmark and Catherine F. Klein
Does the Child Online Protection Act Violate the First Amendment?, Susanna Frederick Fischer
Environmental Ethics from the Perspective of NEPA and Catholic Social Teaching: Ecological Guidance for the 21st Century, Lucia A. Silecchia
Evidentiary Surrogacy and Risk Allocation: Understanding Imputed Knowledge and Notice in Modern Agency Law, Marin Roger Scordato
Gandhi and Justice, Raymond B. Marcin
Introduction to the Symposium on Legal Externships: Learning from Practice, J.P. "Sandy" Ogilvy
“Just Say No!”: The Right to Refuse Psychotropic Medication in Long-Term Care Facilities, George P. Smith II
May a Foreign Plaintiff Sue a Foreign Defendant for Conduct Outside the U.S. That Caused Antitrust Injury Outside the U.S.?, Antonio F. Perez
Misconduct by Law Professors: Why it Matters, Lisa G. Lerman
Patent and Antitrust, Happy Together?, Daniel F. Attridge and Gregory F. Corbett
Recruiting and Retaining Faculty of Color in the Legal Academy: A Longstanding Commitment of the Association of American Law Schools, Veryl Victoria Miles
Representation in Medieval Canon Law, Kenneth Pennington
Sacrifice in the Public Square: Ciceronian Rhetoric in More’s Utopia and Ultimate Ends of Counsel, A.G. Harmon
Technology and the Internet: The Impending Destruction of Privacy by Betrayers, Grudgers, Snoops, Spammers, Corporations and the Media, Clifford S. Fishman
The Geneva Proposals for Peace: Still Viable, Ziad J. Asali, Marshall J. Breger, Milton Viorst, and Philip C. Wilcox Jr.