The faculty at the Columbus School of Law have published articles in a wide variety of legal and non-legal disciplines. This repository collection includes a selection of some of the many articles authored by our faculty. A more complete bibliography of faculty scholarship is available at the link below.
Submissions from 2007
Separating State from Church: Researching the Legal System of the Vatican City State, Stephen E. Young and Alison Shea
Student Services in the 21st Century: Evolution and Innovation in Discovering Student Needs, Teaching Information Literacy, and Designing Library 2.0-Based Services, Frances M. Brillantine and Kumar Jayasuriya
The Buried Bodies Case: Alive and Well After Thirty Years, Lisa G. Lerman, Frank H. Armani, Thomas D. Morgan, and Monroe H. Freedman
The International Legal Environment for Serious Political Reporting has Fundamentally Changed: Understanding the Revolutionary New Era of English Defamation Law, Marin Roger Scordato
The Pivotal Role of the Corporate General Counsel in Promoting Corporate Integrity and Professional Responsibility, Sarah Helene Duggin
The Quest for Legitimacy in American Administrative Law, Marshall J. Breger
The Revitalization of AKE: A Capital Defendant’s Right to Expert Assistance, Cara H. Drinan
Submissions from 2006
A Double Standard for Lawyer Dishonesty: Billing Fraud Versus Misappropriation, Lisa G. Lerman
Aiding Clinical Education Abroad: What Can Be Gained and The Learning Curve on How to Do So Effectively, Leah Wortham
A Legal Career for All Seasons: Remembering St. Thomas More’s Vocation, Veryl Victoria Miles
Consuming Debt: Structuring the Federal Response to Abuses in Consumer Credit, Heidi Mandanis Schooner
Dean Steven P. Frankino: Inspired Leadership of Grace, Power and Abundant Generosity, Veryl Victoria Miles
Faith in the Public Square: Some Reflections on Its Role and Limitations from the Perspective of Catholic Social Thought, Lucia A. Silecchia
First Do No Harm: Law Professor Misconduct Toward Law Students, Lisa G. Lerman
Law, Religion, and Medical Science: Conjunctive or Disjunctive?, George P. Smith II
Law’s Quandary: An Echo of the Infinite, A Glimpse of the Unfathomable, William J. Wagner
Mara’abe v. Prime Minister of Israel, Geoffrey R. Watson
More than a Witness: The Role of Custodial Parents in the IV-D Child Support Process, Stacy Brustin
Recoiling from Religion, Marc O. DeGirolami
Recordings, Transcripts and Translations as Evidence, Clifford S. Fishman
Regulation of Political Organizations and the Red Herring of Tax-Exempt Status, Roger Colinvaux
Restoring Trust in Corporate Directors: The Disney Standard and the ‘New’ Good Faith, Sarah Helene Duggin and Stephen M. Goldman
Rethinking Bibliographic Services – The University of California Libraries Asks How They Can Provide Better End-User Services Through Bibliographic Processing, Elizabeth A. Edinger
Steven P. Frankino: A Fond Farewell, George P. Smith II
Teaching Ethics In and Outside of Law Schools: What Works and What Doesn’t, Lisa G. Lerman