The faculty at the Columbus School of Law have published articles in a wide variety of legal and non-legal disciplines. This repository collection includes a selection of some of the many articles authored by our faculty. A more complete bibliography of faculty scholarship is available at the link below.
Submissions from 1991
Pro Bono Representation and the Government Lawyer, Marshall J. Breger
Providing Economic Incentives in Environmental Regulation, Marshall J. Breger, Richard B. Stewart, E. Donald Elliott, and David Hawkins
Public Service by Public Servants, Lisa G. Lerman
Realizing the Potential of Arbitration in Federal Agency Dispute Resolution, Marshall J. Breger
Searching for a New Constitutional Model for East-Central Europe, Rett R. Ludwikowski
The Administrative Conference of the United States: A Quarter Century Perspective, Marshall J. Breger
The Pending Gauntlet to Free Exercise: Mandating That Clergy Report Child Abuse, Raymond C. O'Brien and Michael T. Flannery
The Price of Beauty: An Economic Approach to Aesthetic Nuisance, George P. Smith II and Griffin W. Fernandez
The Warren Court in American Fiction, Maxwell Bloomfield
Submissions from 1990
Assisted Noncoital Reproduction: A Comparative Analysis, George P. Smith II
Churches and the Free Exercise of Religion, John H. Garvey
Creative Writers and Criminal Justice: Confronting the System (1890–1920), Maxwell Bloomfield
Discrimination: The Difference with AIDS, Raymond C. O'Brien
Essay: On Conscientious Objection, Michael F. Noone Jr.
Federalism: Reconciling a ‘Human Life and ‘States’ Rights Approach to Legal Protection of the Unborn, Robert A. Destro
Interpreting the Nondischargeability of Drunk Driving Debts Under Section 523(a)(9) of the Bankruptcy Code: A Case of Judicial Legislation, Veryl Victoria Miles
Invasion of Privacy: Some Communicative Torts Whose Time Has Gone, Harvey L. Zuckman
Lotharius of Cremona, Kenneth Pennington
Lying to Clients, Lisa G. Lerman
Making Ourselves Understood, Robert A. Destro
Recognizing Personhood and the Right to Die With Dignity, George P. Smith II
Re-Thinking Euthanasia and Death With Dignity: A Transnational Challenge, George P. Smith II
Stop, in the Name of Love!, George P. Smith II
The American Torts of Invasion of Privacy: Substantial Corruption of English Common Law, Harvey L. Zuckman
The Contractual Reallocation of Procreative Resources and Parental Rights: The Natural Endowment Critique, William J. Wagner