The faculty at the Columbus School of Law have published articles in a wide variety of legal and non-legal disciplines. This repository collection includes a selection of some of the many articles authored by our faculty. A more complete bibliography of faculty scholarship is available at the link below.
Submissions from 1988
The Consilia of Baldus de Ubaldis, Kenneth Pennington
The New Reproductive Technologies and the Law: A Roman Catholic Perspective, William J. Wagner
The Public Utility in Bankruptcy: A Reality, Veryl Victoria Miles
The Standard on Which Arbitrators Base Their Decisions: The SRO’s Must Decide, David A. Lipton
Submissions from 1987
A Bibliography on Drug Testing in the Workplace, Stephen E. Young and Elizabeth Armitage
Adequate Assurance of Payment Under Section 366 of the Bankruptcy Code: A Term for Interpretive Flexibility or Judicial Confusion?, Veryl Victoria Miles
American Retreat From Extraterritorial Antitrust Enforcement: Consequences of New Legislative Policies for an International Competitive Economy, George E. Garvey
An Earlier Recension of Hostiensis's Lectura on the Decretals, Kenneth Pennington
A Primer on Broker-Dealer Registration, David A. Lipton
Aspects of Terrorism: Personal Reflections, Rett R. Ludwikowski
Death Be Not Proud: Medical, Ethical and Legal Dilemmas in Resource Allocation, George P. Smith II
Interception of Communications in Exigent Circumstances: The Fourth Amendment, Federal Legislation, and the United States Department of Justice, Clifford S. Fishman
Interviewing and Counseling Older Clients, J.P. "Sandy" Ogilvy
Introduction to Concept Through Construction: Mastering the Art of Law Library Design, Stephen G. Margeton
On-the-Job Training in Appellate Litigation Skills: A Comparative Study, Michael F. Noone Jr.
Reflections on the Symposium: An Ordered Inquiry into the Relation of Civil Rights Law and Religion, William J. Wagner
Rendering Unto Caesar: Legal Responses to Religious Nonconformity in the Armed Forces, Michael F. Noone Jr.
Significant 1986 Regulatory and Legislative Developments, David A. Lipton
Socialist Legal Theory in the Post-Pashukanis Era, Rett R. Ludwikowski
The BBC Gets a New Chairman and a Lot of Trouble, Harvey L. Zuckman
The Province and Function of Law, Science and Medicine: Leeways of Choice and Patterns of Discourse, George P. Smith II
The Religious Foundations of Civil Rights Law and the Study of Law and Religion in an Interdisciplinary Framework, Robert A. Destro
The Teaching of Alternative Dispute Resolution, Lisa G. Lerman
The Value of the Constitution, John H. Garvey
Thoughts on Accountability and the Administrative Process, Marshall J. Breger