The faculty at the Columbus School of Law have published articles in a wide variety of legal and non-legal disciplines. This repository collection includes a selection of some of the many articles authored by our faculty. A more complete bibliography of faculty scholarship is available at the link below.
Submissions from 1968
Academic Aloofness: Stimulant or Depressant to Legal Education?, George P. Smith II
FCC v. Schreiber: In Camera and the Administrative Agency, Harvey L. Zuckman
Jurimetrics, No!, Ralph J. Rohner
Law vs. Politics: The Self-Image of the American Bar, Maxwell Bloomfield
May Plaintiffs Include the United States Claim Under the Federal Medical Care Recovery Act Without Government Intervention?, Michael F. Noone Jr.
Note, Recommendations of the Governor’s Commission to Revise the Public Employment Law of Pennsylvania: A Preliminary Assessment, Roger C. Hartley
Orthodoxy v. Reformation in the Jury System: Pattern Instructions: A Resolution?, George P. Smith II
Posting of Checks: Final Payment and the Four Legals, Ralph J. Rohner
Through a Test Tube Darkly: Artificial Insemination and the Law, George P. Smith II
When You Wish Upon a Star: The J.D. Fantasy, George P. Smith II
Submissions from 1967
Effective Instructions to the Federal Jury in Civil Cases: A Consideration in Microcosm, George P. Smith II
Frederick Grimke and American Civilization, Maxwell Bloomfield
Muckraking and the American Stage: The Emergence of Realism, Maxwell Bloomfield
Private Etsel’s Million Dollar Accident, Michael F. Noone Jr.
The Development of the Right of Assembly: A Current Socio-Legal Investigation, George P. Smith II
William Sampson and the Codifiers: The Roots of American Legal Reform, Maxwell Bloomfield
Submissions from 1966
Dr. Bonham’s Case and the Modern Significance of Lord Coke’s Influence, George P. Smith II
Much Ado About Nothing: The J.D. Movement, George P. Smith II
The Conscientious Objector Exemption as an Establishment and an Accommodation of Religion, Raymond B. Marcin
The Legal Status of the Educational Accrediting Agency, William A. Kaplin and J. Philip Hunter
The Right to Bear Arms: A Phenomenon of Constitutional History, Ralph J. Rohner
Submissions from 1965
Friendly v. Hostile Fires, George P. Smith II
Title 28, Section 2255 of the United States Code: Motion to Vacate, Set Aside or Correct Sentence: Effective or Ineffective Aid to a Federal Prisoner?, George P. Smith II
Submissions from 1964
Dixon’s The Leopard’s Spots: A Study in Popular Racism, Maxwell Bloomfield
Mirror for Businessmen: Bronson Howard’s Melodramas, Maxwell Bloomfield