The faculty at the Columbus School of Law have published articles in a wide variety of legal and non-legal disciplines. This repository collection includes a selection of some of the many articles authored by our faculty. A more complete bibliography of faculty scholarship is available at the link below.
Submissions from 1998
Mandatory HIV Testing of Professional Boxers: An Unconstitutional Effort to Regulate a Sport That Needs to be Regulated, Raymond C. O'Brien and Michael T. Flannery
‘Mixed’ Constitutions: Product of an East-Central European Constitutional Melting Pot, Rett R. Ludwikowski
Natural Law, Homosexual Conduct, and the Public Policy Exception, Raymond B. Marcin
Patient Dumping: Implications for the Elderly, George P. Smith II
Pinning the Blame & Piercing the Veil in the Mists of Metaphor: The Supreme Court’s New Standards for the CERCLA Liability of Parent Companies & A Proposal for Legislative Reform, Lucia A. Silecchia
Progress for Pilgrims: An Analysis of the Holy See-Israel Fundamental Agreement, Geoffrey R. Watson
Reconceiving the Role of Section 8(b)(1)(a): 1947–1997: An Essay on Collective Empowerment and the Public Good, Roger C. Hartley
Re-examining Truth in Lending: Do Borrowers Actually Use Consumer Disclosures?, Ralph J. Rohner
Regulating Risk Not Function, Heidi Mandanis Schooner
Regulation of Unethical Billing Practices: Progress and Prospects, Lisa G. Lerman
Scenes from a Law Firm, Lisa G. Lerman
Shepardizing English Law, Stephen E. Young
Single Gender Marriage: A Religious Perspective, Raymond C. O'Brien
Teaching Moral Perception and Moral Judgment in Legal Ethics Courses: A Dialogue about Goals, Lisa G. Lerman
Terminal Sedation as Palliative Care: Revalidating a Right to a Good Death, George P. Smith II
The Fundamental Agreement Between the Holy See and the State of Israel: A Symposium, Marshall J. Breger
WTO and UN Law, Antonio F. Perez
Submissions from 1997
Abortion, Issue Balancing, and the 'Catholic’ Vote, Raymond B. Marcin
Baldus de Ubaldis, Kenneth Pennington
Christianity and the Civil Law: Secularity, Privacy, and the Status of Objective Moral Norms, William J. Wagner
In the Tribunal of Conscience: Mills v. Wyman Reconsidered, Geoffrey R. Watson
Of Painters, Sculptors, Quill Pens and Microscopes: Teaching Legal Writers in the Electronic Age, Lucia A. Silecchia
On Doing Justice and Walking Humbly with God: Catholic Social Thought on Law as a Tool for Achieving Justice, Lucia A. Silecchia
Religious Freedom in the Courts: The 1996–1997 Term of the United States Supreme Court, Robert A. Destro
Testing the Grades: Evaluating Grading Models in Clinical Legal Education, Stacy Brustin and David Chavkin