The faculty at the Columbus School of Law have published articles in a wide variety of legal and non-legal disciplines. This repository collection includes a selection of some of the many articles authored by our faculty. A more complete bibliography of faculty scholarship is available at the link below.
Submissions from 1997
The Architecture of the Establishment Clause, John H. Garvey
The Nondischargeability of Divorce-Based Debts in Bankruptcy: A Legislative Response to the Hardened Heart, Veryl Victoria Miles
The Passive Virtues and the World Court: Pro-Dialogic Abstention by the International Court of Justice, Antonio F. Perez
The Real Reason for Religious Freedom, John H. Garvey
What’s Next After Separationism?, John H. Garvey
Whom Do You Trust?: Judicial Independence, the Power of the Purse and the Line-Item Veto, Robert A. Destro
Submissions from 1996
A Farewell to Pension Policy: The Impact of Flexible IRAs on Current Tax Policy, Regina T. Jefferson
All Things Being Equal, John H. Garvey
An Anti-Liberal Argument for Religious Freedom, John H. Garvey
Assessing Modern Bankruptcy Law: An Example of Justice, Veryl Victoria Miles
Bankruptcy Relief From Secured Tax Liens, Veryl Victoria Miles
‘By What Right?’: The Sources and Limits of Federal Court and Congressional Jurisdiction Over Matters ‘Touching’ Religion, Robert A. Destro
Developments in Liability Theories and Defenses, Robert A. Destro
Government Accountability in the Twenty-First Century, Marshall J. Breger
Judicial Review of CERCLA Cleanup Procedures: Striking a Balance to Prevent Irreparable Harm, Lucia A. Silecchia
Legal Skills Training in the First Year of Law School: Research? Writing? Analysis? Or More?, Lucia A. Silecchia
On the Way to the Forum: The Reconstruction of Article 2(7) and the Rise of Federalism Under the United Nations Charter, Antonio F. Perez
Ounces of Prevention and Pounds of Cure: Developing Sound Policies for Environmental Compliance Programs, Lucia A. Silecchia
Our Hearts Were Once Young and Gay: Health Care Rationing and the Elderly, George P. Smith II
Pathways to Immortality in the New Millennium: Human Responsibility, Theological Direction, or Legal Mandate, George P. Smith II
Recent Challenges to the Persistent Dual Banking System, Heidi Mandanis Schooner
Regulatory Flexibility and the Administrative State, Marshall J. Breger
Sovereignty, Freedom, and Civil Society: Toward a New Jerusalem, Antonio F. Perez
Square Pegs and Round Holes: Does Sentencing for Environmental Crimes Fit Within the Guidelines?, Lucia A. Silecchia and Michael J. Malinowski