The faculty at the Columbus School of Law have published articles in a wide variety of legal and non-legal disciplines. This repository collection includes a selection of some of the many articles authored by our faculty. A more complete bibliography of faculty scholarship is available at the link below.
Submissions from 1996
Supremacy and Integrity: Member-State Law as a Limiting Principle in the United States and the European Union, William J. Wagner
The Humanitarian Law of the Yugoslavia War Crimes Tribunal: Jurisdiction in Prosecutor v. Tadic, Geoffrey R. Watson
The Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995, Geoffrey R. Watson
The Role of Basic Values in the Contemporary Constitutional Hermeneutics of Germany and the United States, William J. Wagner
The Use of Journals in Legal Education: A Tool for Reflection, J.P. "Sandy" Ogilvy
Whither Truth in Lending?, Ralph J. Rohner
Who Determines When Enough is Enough - Refocusing Regulatory Limitations on Banks’ Compensation Practices, Heidi Mandanis Schooner
Who Killed Sovereignty – or: Changing Norms Concerning Sovereignty in International Law, Antonio F. Perez
Submissions from 1995
ABA and AALS Accreditation: What’s ‘Religious Diversity’ Got To Do With It?, Robert A. Destro
Aesthetic Nuisance: Re-Educating the Judiciary, George P. Smith II
Alma Mater Mentoring: Library Science Alumni Promote School and Profession, Stephen G. Margeton and Pamela Dragovich
An Argument for the Inclusion of Children Without Medicare, Raymond C. O'Brien
A Teacher’s Trouble: Risk, Responsibility and Rebellion, Lisa G. Lerman
Bankruptcy Practice in Virginia: A Multifaceted Experience, Veryl Victoria Miles
Consent, Credibility and the Constitution: Evidence Relating to a Sex Offense Complainant’s Prior Sexual Behavior, Clifford S. Fishman
Constitutional Ideology and Progressive Fiction, Maxwell Bloomfield
Designing and Teaching Advanced Legal Research and Writing Courses, Lucia A. Silecchia
Discharging Tax Liability in Bankruptcy, Veryl Victoria Miles
Domestic Partnership: Recognition and Responsibility, Raymond C. O'Brien
Fee-for-Service Clinical Teaching: Slipping Toward Commercialism, Lisa G. Lerman
Fiduciary Duties’ Demanding Cousin: Bank Director Liability for Unsafe or Unsound Banking Practices, Heidi Mandanis Schooner
Full Faith and Credit: Interstate Enforcement of Protection Orders Under the Violence Against Women Act of 1994, Catherine F. Klein
Fundamental Constitutional Rights in the New Constitutions of Eastern and Central Europe, Rett R. Ludwikowski
Futility and the Principle of Medical Futility: Safeguarding Autonomy and the Prohibition Against Cruel and Unusual Punishment, George P. Smith II
Indeterminacy and Craft in Judicial Review of Administrative Law: A Comment on Shapiro and Levy, Marshall J. Breger