The faculty at the Columbus School of Law have published articles in a wide variety of legal and non-legal disciplines. This repository collection includes a selection of some of the many articles authored by our faculty. A more complete bibliography of faculty scholarship is available at the link below.
Submissions from 2019
Exploring the Role of Emotions in Clinical Legal Education: Inquiry and Results from an International Workshop for Legal Educators, Catherine F. Klein, Kate Seear, Lisa Bliss, and Paul Galowitz
Fixing Philanthropy: A Vision for Charitable Giving and Reform, Roger Colinvaux
History Repeats Itself: Some New Faces Behind Sex Trafficking Are More Familiar Than You Think, Mary Graw Leary
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bots, and How I Learned to Start Worrying About Democracy Instead, Antonio F. Perez
Judicial Independence and Accountability: Withstanding Political Stress, Leah Wortham
Social Welfare and Political Organizations: Ending the Plague of Inconsistency, Roger Colinvaux
Strengthening the International Clinical Scholarly Community: Opportunities for the Clinical Law Review and Beyond, Leah Wortham
The Immediacy of Genome Editing and Mitochondrial Replacement, Raymond C. O'Brien
The Sickness Unto Death of the First Amendment, Marc O. DeGirolami
Submissions from 2018
Assessing Assisted Reproductive Technology, Raymond C. O'Brien
Constitutional Anomalies or As-Applied Challenges? A Defense of Religious Exemptions, Mark L. Rienzi
Defending Place-Based Philanthropy by Defining the Community Foundation, Roger Colinvaux
Demokracja Elektorska i Populistyczna z Perspektywy Wyboru D. Trumpa na Presydenta USA, Rett R. Ludwikowski
“Dignity in Living and in Dying”: The Henry H. H. Remak Memorial Lecture, George P. Smith II
Equitable Relief for ERISA Benefit Plan Designation Mistakes, Raymond C. O'Brien
Failed Charity: Taking State Tax Benefits Into Account for Purposes of the Charitable Deduction, Roger Colinvaux
God’s Grace and the Marketplace: Mainline Protestant Church, Faith and Business, Sarah Helene Duggin
Gundy v. United States: Reflections on the Court and the State of the Nondelegation Doctrine, Jennifer L. Mascott
International Law and the Balfour Decision, Geoffrey R. Watson
Kennedy’s Last Term: A Report on the 2017–2018 Supreme Court, Kevin C. Walsh and Marc O. DeGirolami
“Let Them Eat Cake”: Examining United States Retirement Savings Policy Through The Lens of International Human Rights Principles, Regina T. Jefferson
“Officers” in the Supreme Court: Lucia v. SEC, Jennifer L. Mascott
Re-Evaluating the Demise of the Average, Ordinary, Reasonable Person: Unintended Consequences in the Law of Nuisance, George P. Smith II and William P. Lane
Religious Organizations as Partners in the Global and Local Fight Against Human Trafficking, Mary Graw Leary
The Dictionary as a Specialized Corpus, Jennifer L. Mascott