The faculty at the Columbus School of Law have published articles in a wide variety of legal and non-legal disciplines. This repository collection includes a selection of some of the many articles authored by our faculty. A more complete bibliography of faculty scholarship is available at the link below.
Submissions from 2017
The Patently Unexceptional Venue Statute, Megan M. La Belle and Paul R. Gugliuzza
The Role and Experience of Law Students and Law Schools in Clemency Project 2014, J.P. "Sandy" Ogilvy
The Unconstitutionality of the Federal Ban on Noncitizen Voting and Congressionally-imposed Voter Qualifications, Stephen Mortellaro
Submissions from 2016
A Legal Definition of Leadership: Understanding §3B1.1 of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines, Marin Roger Scordato
American Presidentialism in the Light of Barack Obama’s Immigration Reform, Rett R. Ludwikowski and Anna Ludwikowski
Bridging the Justice Gap in Family Law: Repurposing Federal IV-D Funding to Expand Community-Based Legal and Social Services for Parents, Stacy Brustin and Lisa Vollendorf Martin
Data Privacy and Inmate Recidivism, Chad Squitieri
Ecclesiastical Liberty on the Eve of the Reformation, Kenneth Pennington
Fee Shifting For PTAB Proceedings, Megan M. La Belle
Fool Me Twice: Zubik v. Burwell and the Perils of Judicial Faith in Government Claims, Mark L. Rienzi
Free Exercise by Moonlight, Marc O. DeGirolami
Glimpses of Marshall in the Military, Kevin C. Walsh
Independent Agencies in the United States: The Responsibilities of Public Lawyers, Marshall J. Breger and Gary Edles
Laudato Si’ and Care for Our Common Home: What Does it Mean for the Legal Profession?, Lucia A. Silecchia
Law Student Mediators Wear a Triple Crown: Skilled, Sellable, & Successful, Laurie A. Lewis
Marketable and Mobile: UBE Recommended, Veryl Victoria Miles
“Modern Day Slavery”- Implications of a Label, Mary Graw Leary
New Era or Just One Step in the History of the Supreme Court of the United States?, Rett R. Ludwikowski
Protestant Ecclesiastical Law and the Ius Commune, Kenneth Pennington
Public Enforcement of Patent Law, Megan M. La Belle
Selective Issues in Effective Medicaid Estate Recovery Statutes, Raymond C. O'Brien
"Should" or "Must"?: Distinguishing Mandates from Guidelines in Tort Claims Contexts, A.G. Harmon
“Social Love” as a Vision for Environmental Law: Laudato Si’ and the Rule of Law, Lucia A. Silecchia
Substantial Burdens Imply Central Beliefs, Marc O. DeGirolami
The Community Listening Project, Faith Mullen