The faculty at the Columbus School of Law have published articles in a wide variety of legal and non-legal disciplines. This repository collection includes a selection of some of the many articles authored by our faculty. A more complete bibliography of faculty scholarship is available at the link below.
Submissions from 2014
Guidelines for the Self Evaluation of Legal Education Clinics and Clinical Programs, J.P. "Sandy" Ogilvy
Increasing Coverage in Today’s Private Retirement System, Regina T. Jefferson
Judge Posner, Judge Wilkinson, and Judicial Critique of Constitutional Theory,, Kevin C. Walsh and Marc O. DeGirolami
Lincoln’s Legacy for American International Law, Antonio F. Perez
Misconstruing Graham & Miller, Cara H. Drinan
Moderamen Inculpatae Tutelae: The Jurisprudence of a Justifiable Defense, Kenneth Pennington
Narrowing the Gap Between Rights and Resources: Finding a Role for Law Students in Court-Annexed Resource Centers, Faith Mullen
Observations on MacDonald v. Moose, Kevin C. Walsh
Political Activity Limits and Tax Exemption: A Gordian’s Knot, Roger Colinvaux
Reconsidering Dual Consent, Lisa Vollendorf Martin
Re-Negotiating a Theory of Social Contract for Universal Health Care in America or, Securing the Regulatory State?, George P. Smith II
Sowing the Seeds of Protection, Elizabeth I. Winston
The Biography of Gratian, The Father of Canon Law, Kenneth Pennington
Submissions from 2013
Applying Bioethics in the 21st Century: Principlism or Situationism?, George P. Smith II
Attorney Responsibility and Client Incapacity, Raymond C. O'Brien
Charitable Contributions of Property: A Broken System Reimagined, Roger Colinvaux
Conservation Easements: Design Flaws, Enforcement Challenges, and Reform, Roger Colinvaux
Gently into the Good Night: Toward a Compassionate Response to End-Stage Illness, George P. Smith II
Getting Real About Gideon: The Next Fifty Years of Enforcing the Right to Counsel, Cara H. Drinan
God and the Profits: Is there Religious Liberty for Money-Makers?, Mark L. Rienzi
In Memoriam: Edmund D. Pellegrino, George P. Smith II
Katz on a Hot Tin Roof: Saving the Fourth Amendment from Commercial Conditioning by Reviving Voluntariness in Disclosures to Third Parties, Mary Graw Leary
Neutral No More: Secondary Effects Analysis and the Quiet Demise of the Content-Neutrality Test, Mark L. Rienzi
On "Unease" and "Idealism": Reflections on Pope Benedict XVI's Educating Young People in Justice and Peace and Its Message for Law Teachers, Lucia A. Silecchia