Content Posted in 2017
A Conversation about Reallocation, Robert M. McDowell
A Conversation with Commissioner Ajit Pai and Rosemary Harold, Ajit Pai and Rosemary Harold
A Conversation with Director James B. Comey, Jr., James B. Comey
A Conversation with Judge Sri Srinivasan, Judge Sri Srinivasan
A Conversation with Robert Stevens, Robert J. Stevens
Affirmatively Replacing Rape Culture with Consent Culture, Mary Graw Leary
Affirming Human Dignity, Robert P. Casey
A Jesuit Vocation: A Call to the Frontiers of the Church, Father Pat Conroy
A La Carte Channels: Big Ideas Take Some Getting Used To, Molly O'Conor
Almost Home, Kevin Ryan
Anatomy of a Love-Hate Relation: America and International Organizations, W. Michael Reisman
A New Standard for Reliance in Inefficient Primary Markets, Emily Rubino
An Insider’s View of the Legislative Process: The Role of Legislation Counsel, Henry Cristup and Mark McGunagle
A-R-C-G- Is Not the Solution For Domestic Violence Victims, Lizbeth Chow
A Regulatory Balancing Act: Ensuring That Fracking Can Thrive in America's Future, Brendan Johns
A Spirited Discussion On Corporate Governance, Daniel Gallagher and Sabastian V. Niles
Autonomous Cars: Navigating the Patchwork of Data Privacy Laws That Could Impact the Industry, Anthony Jones
Balfour Declaration in International Law:A 100th Anniversary Perspective, Geoffrey R. Watson
Big Bank Boards: The Case for Heightened Administrative Enforcement, Heidi Mandanis Schooner
Bitcoin Trading: Market Gambling or a Digital Payment System, Kevin Batteh
BLSA Panel on Judicial Activism, Tyra Wright, Sherri Beatty-Arthur, and Justin Hansford
Broadband Panel, Andrew Odlyzko, John Thorne, Jeff Campbell, Kyle Dixon, and Richard S. Whitt
Brown v. Board of Education and an Independent Judiciary, The Honorable Peggy A. Quince
Can a Bad Person Be a Good Judge?, The Honorable Patrick J. Schiltz
Candidate Appearances, Equal Time, and the FCC's Online Public File Database: Empirical Data on TV Station Compliance During the 2016 Presidential Primary, Christopher Terry
Catholic Legal Education, John H. Garvey
#CautionBusinesses: Using Competitors' Hashtags Could Possibly Lead to Trademark Infringement, Debbie Chu
Changing Executive Compensation: Widening the Lens and Focusing on Directors, Tiffany Rowe
Child Labor on Your Televisions, Brianna Mitchell
Children are Different: A Constitutional and Moral Call to Action, Cara H. Drinan
Climate Change: An Alaskan Perspective, The Honorable Lisa Murkowski
Colloquy Discussion and Question and Answer Session, Fred B. Ugast
Colloquy Discussion and Question and Answer Session, Ronald J. Tabak
Columbus Community Legal Services:Location, Location, Location!, Ellen M. Scully
Combating China’s Undervalued Currency: A Subsidy In Fact and In Law, Ted Bush
Constitutional Challenges: Religious Liberty and the HHS mandate, Mark L. Rienzi, Stephen Schneck, and Emily Hardman
Continuity of Government: A Play in Three Stages, Howard M. Wasserman
Criminal Justice and Issues of Poverty, Race, and Human Dignity, Cara H. Drinan
Criminal Law Reform: Ethical and Legal Changes in Austrian Society, Christian Pilnacek Dr. and Wolfgang Brandstetter Dr.
Dean Robinson I.P. Lecture Series with Judge Kara F. Stoll, Kara F. Stoll
Dear John, You are a Human Trafficker, Mary Graw Leary
Death Row Dogs, Hard Time Prisoners, and Creative Rehabilitation Strategies: Prisoner-Dog Training Programs, Paul J. Larkin, Jr.
Debate: The Wireless Industry v. Broadcasters, Christopher Guttman-McCabe and Jane Mago
Derivative Regulation Post Dodd Frank...., Eric Juzenas
Designing Law and Other Academic Libraries: Building Upon Change (3d ed.), Stephen G. Margeton
Developing Exposure-based Preconception Tort Liability: A Scientific Challenge to Traditional Tort Concepts, Nicholas P. Putz
Digital Broadcast Panel, John Lawson, Rick Chessen, Peter Fannon, and Susan Fox
Discussion: New Consideration in Copyright, Jeff Blum and David R. Singer
Dodd Frank: What was intended; How are we doing?, Christy L. Romero
Does One Size Fit All? The Importance of State Natural Resource Damage Assessment Laws, Elizabeth Conti
Domestic Relations, Cases and Materials (8th ed.), Raymond C. O'Brien, Walter Wadlington, and Robin F. Wilson
Domestic Relations: Selected Uniform Laws, Model Legislation, Federal Statutes, State Statutes, And International Treaties (8th ed.), Raymond C. O'Brien, Walter Wadlington, and Robin F. Wilson
Ecclesiastical Liberty on the Eve of the Reformation, Kenneth Pennington
Education and Promotion of Human Rights from a European and American Perspective, Rett R. Ludwikowski
Enhancing Disclosure and Corporate Responsibility Following Citizens United, Roger Abbott
Enough is Enough: India’s Fight Against Seizures of Lawful Generic Medicine, Melissa Nonaka
Ensuring the Tail Doesn’t Wag the Dog, Nantz Rickard
Every Silver Lining Has a Cloud: Defensive Pessimism in Legal Education, Emily Zimmerman and Casey LaDuke
Examining the Legalization of Daily Fantasy Sports, Mark Dourmashkin
Faith-Based Law Schools: Making Mission Matter, Veryl Victoria Miles
Faith-Based Law Schools: Making Mission Matter, Veryl Victoria Miles
Fee Shifting For PTAB Proceedings, Megan M. La Belle
Final Judgments: What Art and Physics Reveal about Discerning Vice and Virtue, A.G. Harmon
Finding God In All Things: Even Law School and the Legal Profession, David Koelsch
Finding Your Best Use: A Life of Purpose, Bill Bachman
Focus on Ferguson: Police Use of Force and Next Steps, Justin Hansford, Marbre Stahly-Butts, Leslie M. Proll, and Nicole Lee
Forever Barred: Reinstated Removal Orders and the Right to Seek Asylum, Hillary Gaston Walsh, J.D.
Friendship with Jesus and Each Other, Monsignor Peter J. Vaghi
From Atheist to Catholic, from Rome to the Capitol Dome: The Journey of a Congressional Staffer, Nathaniel Hurd
From Paralysis to Progress: The (Useful) Art of Copyright Pragmatism, Shira Perlmutter
Frozen in Time, Kelsey Darnell
Go and Do Likewise: Lawyering as a Life of Service, The Honorable Patricia Millett
Grace in the Criminal Justice System, Shon Hopwood
Hate Speech and Legislation in Austria and the European Union, Wolfgang Brandstetter Dr.
Have Your Cake and Eat It Too? A Masterpiece Cakeshop Panel Discussion, Jordan Lorence, Amanda Shanor, and Robert A. Destro
High Frequency Trading: What is it, and How Does it Impact the Markets, Gregg Berman
High Frequency Trading: Why is it done? What are its dangers?, James A. Brigagliano, Christopher R. Concannon, and Theodore R. Lazo
How Many #Followers Do You Have?: Evaluating the Rise of Social Media and Issues Concerning In Re CTLI’s Determination that Social Media Accounts are Property of the Estate, Patricia A. Leeson
How Many Likes Did It Get? Using Social Media Metrics to Establish Trademark Rights, Caroline Mrohs
How the SEC is Responding to Increasingly Computerized Markets, Gregg Berman
Human Dignity as a Normative Standard or as a Value in Global Health Care Decisionmaking, George P. Smith II
I Am Joseph Your Brother, Roncalli and the Hatred and Love of Jews, Edward M. Gaffney Jr.
Immigration Appeals at the BIA and in the Circuit Courts, Lory Diana Rosenberg, Michael M. Hethmon, Edward R. Grant, John R.B. Palmer, and Cathy Catterson
Impact of the 2016 Election on the Dodd Frank Legislation, Thomas Quaadman and Greg Babyal
Implementation of the America Invents Act, James D. Smith, Janet Gongola, Joe Matal, Jon Kyl, and Antigone Peyton
Insider Trading: Where has it been? Where does it now have to go?, William McLucas, Andrew Ceresney, and Daniel Gallagher
Integrating Faith and Profession, Raymond C. O'Brien
Introduction, Richard C. Dieter
Is Terrorism Always the Same?, Philip Chase Bobbitt
Is WiFi Worth It: The Hidden Dangers of Public WiFi, Ellie Shahin
Is Your Health Data Really Private? The Need to Update HIPAA Regulations to Incorporate Third-Party and Non-Covered Entities, Latena Hazard
It’s Time to Open Up the L-1B: How the Emergence of Open Source Technology will Impact the L-1B Visa Program, Elizabeth K. Ottman
Just War and the War on Terror, Ruth Wedgwood
Just War Tradition Needs Adjusting Just Now, Michael F. Noone Jr.
Keynote Address, David Sobel
Keynote Address, Paul Bland
Keynote Address, Jan Witold Baran
Keynote Address, The Honorable John T. Noonan Jr.
Keynote Address, David Ruschke
Keynote Address, Daniel Sutherland
Keynote Address, Robert M. McDowell
Keynote Address, Maureen K. Ohlhausen
Keynote Address, Edward Lazarus
Keynote Address, David A. Irwin
Keynote Address, David Gross
Keynote Address, Kathleen Q. Abernathy
Laudato Si’ and the Tragedy of the “Throwaway Culture.”, Lucia A. Silecchia
Lawyers and the Atonement, The Honorable Thomas B. Griffith
Leashing the Internet Watchdog: Legislative Restraints on Electronic Surveillance in the U.S. and U.K., John Heekin
Letters from Terrance: Juvenile Life without Parole, Inmate Correspondence, and the Quest for Human Dignity, Cara H. Drinan
Life on the Court, The Honorable Antonin Scalia
Little Sisters and Big Faith: The Supreme Court's Next Religious Liberty Case, Mark L. Rienzi
Luncheon Address, Kathleen Q. Abernathy
Luncheon Address, Winston Maxwell
Luncheon Debate: Preserving the Open Internet and PRM, Adam Thierer and Ben Scott
Luncheon Panel: Industry Perspectives on the Repurposing of Broadcast Spectrum,, Julie M. Kearney, Andrew Jay Schwartzman, Paul Gallant, and Kathleen Ham
Lunch Keynote Speaker, Robert L. Stoll
Main Models of Judicial Review in the Contemporary World: A Comparative Study, Rett R. Ludwikowski
Manhattan_Project.exe: A Nuclear Option for the Digital Age, David Laton
Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Question of ‘Illegal Laws’: Civil Law, Justice, and Morality, Rev. Dominic Legge
Mercy According to Blessed John Paul II, His Excellency William E. Lori
Miranda’s Near Death Experience: Reflections on the Occasion of Miranda’s Fiftieth Anniversary, Eugene R. Milhizer
Morning Keynote, Anna M. Gomez
Mortgage Bonds, their demise and rebirth.....are we ready for this?, John Arnholz
Navigating a New Era: International Labor Standards and the U.S. Judiciary- Panel One, Peter J. Messitte, Earl Brown, Michael Gadbaw, and Shelby Quast
Navigating a New Era: International Labor Standards and the U.S. Judiciary- Panel Two, Lance Compa, Stefan Marculewicz, Judy Scott, and John Higgins
New Era or Just One Step in the History of the Supreme Court of the United States?, Rett R. Ludwikowski
Nobody Puts Blockchain in a Corner: The Disruptive Role of Blockchain Technology in the Financial Services Industry and Current Regulatory Issues, Elizabeth Sara Ross
Obergefell’s Impact on Functional Families, Raymond C. O'Brien
Obergefell’s Impact on Functional Families, Raymond C. O'Brien
Ochrona Praw Czlowieka z Perspektywy Ameriykanskiej Oceny Historycznego Legatu Rady Europy, Rett R. Ludwikowski
Opening Keynote Speaker, The Honorable Kathleen M. O'Malley
Our Sister's Keeper or a 'Kept Sister?' Commercial Sex Trafficking and Slavery: Implications of a Societal Response, Mary Graw Leary
Oversight of Oversight: A Proposal for More Effective FOIA Reform, Aram A. Gavoor and Daniel Miktus
Panel Four: Creating the Knowledgeable Consumer: The Roles of Industry, Government and the Public Media Marketplace, Susan Fox, Patti Miller, Mary Beth Richards, Catherine Seidel, and Joel Wiginton
Panel Four: Developing a New Paradigm for Communications Regulation, Dr. Robert Pepper, David M. Cohen, Neal Goldberg, and Michael Skubisz
Panel Four: Rules and Responsibilities in the National Broadband Plan, Anna M. Gomez, Lisa Zahn, Kwasi Asare, and Rob Davis
Panel One: Changing Paradigms: Industry Perspectives on Content Delivery to Multiple Screen, Terry Denson, John Godfrey, Maureen O'Connell, and Steven Teplitz
Panel One: “Critical Infrastructure and Information –Sharing: Threats and Opportunities", Aram A. Gavoor, Leslie Rivera-Pagen, and Bobak Talebian
Panel One: Critical Infrastructure and Information –Sharing: Threats and Opportunities, Adam Frankel and Clete Johnson
Panel One: Devices, Data and Regulatory Diversity, Alexander Reynolds, Ruth Yodaiken, and Chris Helzer
Panel One: Dual Litigation at the PTAB and District Court, Kristen Droesch, Jeff Langer, and Rachel Elsby
Panel One: Government Approaches to the Spectrum Crunch, Paula Boyd, Derek Khlopin, Louis Peraertz, Allison Remsen, and Charla Rath
Panel One: McCain-Feingold, Past and Future, Laura MacCleery and William McGinley
Panel One: New Considerations in Cybersecurity, Clete Johnson, David Turetsky, Jamie Barnett, Harold Salters, and Roberta Stempfley
Panel One: Patent Litigation in the Courts, The Honorable Catherine C. Blake, Shubha Ghosh, Doris Johnson Hines, and Thomas L. Stoll
Panel One: Rule Amendments and How They Impact Civil Rights, Alan Morrison, Emery Lee, and John Vail
Panel One: The Future of Spectrum Sharing, Michael Calebrese, Kathleen Ham, Jonathan Leibovitz, and Peter Tenhula
Panel One: The Wireless Success Story: What if Anything need congress do?, Kathleen Ham, George Foote, Jeff Campbell, and Barry Ohlson
Panel One: What Should and What Will be in the National Broadband Plan, Kathy Brown, Joel Kelsey, Ross Lieberman, David Redl, and Rick Whitt
Panel Three: Broadcast, Multi-Channel Video Programming and Internet Protocol TV Regulation, Andrew Jay Schwartzman, James M. Assey Jr., Marsha MacBride, and Bruce Byrd
Panel Three: Content Regulation on the Second and Third Screens, Julie M. Kearney, Erin Dozier, Margaret Tobey, and Cheryl Leanza
Panel Three: First Amendment Considerations for Multi-Platform Media, Robert Corn-Revere, Adam Thierer, and Jane Mago
Panel Three: Intellectual Property in Cyberspace: Trade Secrets and Encryption, Daniel Rosenthal, John Stark, and David LeDuc
Panel Three: Patent Litigation at the ITC, The Honorable Thomas B. Pender, Stephen R. Smith, Lauren A. Degnan, and Lynn I. Levine
Panel Two: Broadband: The Politics of Fat Pipe, Lee Carosi, Grant Seiffert, Randy Tyree, Bob Blau, and Chris Gutman-McCabe
Panel Two: Data Security and Privacy, Alan Butler, Esha Mankodi, and James Valvo
Panel Two: Data Security and Privacy, Jennifer Daskal, Jake Laperruque, David Husband, and Neil Chilson
Panel Two: International Broadband: How Others Connect, Richard Beaird, Robert Tanner, Derek Khlopin, and Susan Ness
Panel Two: Inter Partes Review at the PTAB, Meredith Petravick, Chris Douglas, Todd Baker, and Mark D. Sweet
Panel Two: Lobbyist Contributions and the Constitution, Todd Cranford and Craig Holman
Panel Two: Navigating the Regulatory Overlay in a Convergent Environment, Maureen K. Ohlhausen, Richard S. Whitt, Johanna Shelton, and Andrew Jay Schwartzman
Panel Two: New Considerations in Communications Policy, Shawn H. Chang, David Quinalty, John Branscome, and Neil Fried
Panel Two: Patent Litigation at the PTO, The Honorable Jennifer Bisk, Gregory Dolin M.D., Charles Duan, and Robert Green Sterne
Panel Two: The Billion Device Question: How Networks Will Support IoE, Christopher Wieczorek, Rosemary Harold, Shawn H. Chang, and Kelsey Guyselman
Panel Two: The Federal Rules as Interpreted through Case Law, Esther Lander, Michael Kirkpatrick, and John Vail
Panel Two: The Future of Competition in an IP World, Harold Feld, Angela Woodley Kronenberg, Robert Quinn, and Michael Romano
Panel Two: The Role and Future of the NTIA's Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee, Julius Knapp, Dale Hatfield, and Bryan N. Tramont
Pennsylvania’s Educational Improvement Tax Credit and Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit Programs, Zachary Navit
Personal Jurisdiction in Hatch-Waxman Cases, Michael Marusak
Perspectives on Discrimination in the 21st Century Workplace, Naomi Churchill Earp
Post-Election Analysis: Where Do We Go From Here?, Lawrence J. Halloran and John A. Durkalski
Potholes in the Information Superhighway, Raymond Gifford, Kathryn Brown, Kathryn Zachem, and Alexandra "Sandy" Wilson
Poverty, the Great Unequalizer: Improving the Delivery System for Civil Legal Aid, Latonia Haney Keith
Pre IPO Issuer Disclosure... Post Facebook, Philip Shaikun
Presidential Succession and Congressional Leaders, Norman J. Ornstein and John C. Fortier
Principal Addresses, Ronald Honberg, Christopher Slobogin, Richard J. Bonnie, and Dorothy Otnow Lewis M.D.
Privilege for Patent Agents, Megan M. La Belle
Pro Bono Work to Help Others Today (and Your Career Tomorrow), Mark L. Rienzi, Jennifer Tschirch, and Emmjolee Mendoza Waters
Prosecuting Insider Trading: A Delicate Balance, Stephen L. Cohen
Prosecutorial Indiscretion, Amy Kokot
Protecting Privacy in the Era of Smart Toys: Does Hello Barbie Have a Duty to Report, Corinne Moini
Proxy Advisors and Their Impact on Corporate Governance and SEC Required Disclosure, Daniel Gallagher
Public Enforcement of Patent Law, Megan M. La Belle
Rape on the Washington Southern: The Tragic Case of Hines v. Garrett, Michael I. Krauss
Recent Developments at the SEC, Daniel Gallagher
Reflections on Civil Liberties and National Security, Judge Thomas F. Hogan
Regulating Pay to Play Practices, DeCarlo McLaren
Regulation of Facial Recognition Technology: Protection for an Individual’s Privacy, Jonathan Jacobs
Reinvigorating the Rule of Law in Iraq, Coral Wong Pietsch and James H. Pietsch
Religious Liberty, Free Speech, and the Fight for Life, Mark L. Rienzi
Resolving the Split: Independent Contractors and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, Tara Beech
Restoring the Sacred from the Profane, Laila E. Leigh
Risks and Rewards of Externships: Exploring Goals and Methods, Leah Wortham, Linda F. Smith, and Jeff Giddings
Roommate Wars: Fair Housing Council of San Fernando Valley v. Has Signaled the Need for Change, Jessica DeSimone
Scalia Speaks: Reflections on Law, Faith, and Life Well Lived, Ed Whelan and Mark L. Rienzi
Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930 and Its Impacts on China, Yiqing Yin
Securing the Future: Making the Most of Your Law School Years, Phyllis C. Borzi
Senator Jeff Chiesa Address, Jeff Chiesa
Sentenced to Life in a Foreign Country: Distinguishing Between Aggravated Felon, Significant Misdemeanants, and Innocent Immigrants, Adilene Rosales
Shaping the Church: Resisting Scandal and Avoiding Secularization, Mark Chopko
Should In House Attorneys Be Responsible for Corporate Compliance Failures, Rick Ketchum, Dick Walker, and Daniel Gallagher
Siting Technology, Land-Use Energized, Steven Ferrey
Six Phenomena that Bear on the Politics of Trade and Globalization, Charlene Barshefsky
Some Bore Gifts - Stories, A.G. Harmon
So My Client is an Ax-Murderer…, A.G. Harmon, Sarah Helene Duggin, Clifford S. Fishman, Melissa Moschella, and Dr. Ahmad Kazemi-Moussavi
Sovereignty During the Saeculum: Implications of a Jurisprudence of Subjectivity, Patrick M. Brennan
Spectrum Panel, Dale Hatfield, Tom Sugrue, Robert Rini, and Peter Tenhula
State Laws and the Fight against Child Sexual Exploitation on, Erin Callahan
Subjected to Torture, Elyssa Lacson
System Wyborów Prezydenckich w Stanach Zjednoczonych na tle Porównawczym, Rett R. Ludwikowski and Anna Ludwikowski
Targeted Advertising and the First Amendment: Student Privacy vs. Protected Speech, Marco Crocetti
Tax Reform and the Legislative Process, Harold Hancock and Alexander Reid
Tears in Heaven: Religiously and Culturally Sensitive Laws for Preventing the Next Pandemic, Eloisa C. Rodriguez-Dod, Aileen Maria Marty, and Elena Maria Marty-Nelson
Telecommunications Infrastructure: Another O-Ring in the Economic Development of the Third World, James Germano
The Ambiguity of Redesignation: What Is 'Applicable' Under the Clean Air Act?, Andrew Miller
The American Presidency, the 2008 Election, and the Constitution's Natural Born Citizenship Proviso, Sarah Helene Duggin and Mary Beth Collins
The Ballot and the Testament, Cornell William Brooks
The Catholic Law School and Constitutional Self-Government, The Honorable Diarmuid F. O'Scannlain
The Commerce Clause and the FDA Regulation of Stem Cells, Kathryn Spates
The Consequences of Public Corruption: An Insider’s View, Richard A. Juliano
The Continuing Pursuit of a General Public Performance Right in Sound Recordings, Jay All
The Court at a Crossroads: A Conversation with Two Former Solicitors General, The Honorable Paul D. Clement and The Honorable Seth P. Waxman
The Diversity Rationale for Affirmative Action in Military Contracting, Hugh B. McClean
The Ebola Orphans of Africa: International Adoption and the Kindness of Colleagues, Chris Pilkerton
The Enforceability of In Terrorem Clauses, José Espejo
The FCC's Regulatory Mulligan: Exploring the Options in the Wake of a Failed D Block Auction, Alejandro Valencia
The Federal Reserve and the Financial Crisis, The Honorable Jerome H. Powell
The Flash Crash of 2010, Gregg Berman
The Future for EU-- U.S. Political and Economic Relations, Ambassador John Bruton
The Future of the Compulsory License in Copyright Law, Debbie Chu
The Hedgehog, The Fox, and Kozolychyk: The Practical and Philosophical Foundations of Best Practices in Legal Harmonization for Economic Development, Antonio F. Perez
The Importance of a Participatory Charitable Giving Incentive, Roger Colinvaux
The Irish Peace Process: A Personal Perspective, The Honorable Sean O'Huiginn
The Judge as Umpire, The Honorable Brett M. Kavanaugh
The Least Vulnerable Branch? : Continuity and the Supreme Court, Randolph Moss and Edward Siskel
The Life and Times of Dean Robinson, Jeffrey Lefstin
The Lost Due Process Doctrines, Paul J. Larkin Jr.
The Meaning of "One Person-One Vote" Evenwel v. Abbott in the Supreme Court, Mark Gaber, Ilya Shapiro, and Chris Rickard
The Minimum Wage Debate, Dean Baker and Michael Strain
The Need for 'Honest Faith in a Higher Law', Honorable Janice Rogers Brown
The Next Step in Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform: Passing the Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of 2014, Daniel Reed
The Patently Unexceptional Venue Statute, Megan M. La Belle and Paul R. Gugliuzza
The Persistence of the Catholic Moment, Richard John Neuhaus
The Policy and Politics of Ensuring the Continuity of Government, James Ho
The Private Search Doctrine and the Evolution of Fourth Amendment Jurisprudence in the Face of New Technology: A Broad or Narrow Exception?, Adam A. Bereston
The REAL ID Act, Habeas Corpus, and Judicial Review, David M. McConnell, Nancy Morawetz, and Margaret Kuehne Taylor
The Role and Experience of Law Students and Law Schools in Clemency Project 2014, J.P. "Sandy" Ogilvy
The Shift from the Constitutional Right to Equality in Education to Quality Education in California, Melissa Mulrey Soares
The Sky Above: How a Lawyer Helped a Congregation Provide Affordable Housing, Save a Steeple and Start a Trend, Robert Ryland
The Third Party Doctrine and Physical Location: The Privacy Implications of Warrantless Acquisition of Historical Cell Site Location Information, Matthew G. Baker
The Trial of Saddam Hussein — Victor’s Justice?, Charles H.B. Garraway OBE
The Twilight of the China's Decade?, Rett R. Ludwikowski
The Value of Non-transparent Markets (“Dark Pool”) in Securities Trading, Matt Andresen
The Vatican and Israel: Recent Developments, Marshall J. Breger
The War on Kids: How American Juvenile Justice Lost Its Way, Cara H. Drinan
Thriving in the Online Environment: Creating Structures to Promote Technology and Civil Liberties, Daniel W. Sutherland
Titles II or III: Where Will the Wisdom of the Crowd Take Investors?, William P. Lane
Transition-Related Issues in the Trump Administration, Philip D. Brady and Marshall J. Breger
Unconventional Responses to Unique Catastrophes: Tailoring the Law to Meet the Challenges, Kenneth M. Feinberg Esq.
Unicorns in the Land of Securities Law, Troy A. Paredes
United States v. Hayes: The Fourth Circuit's Interpretation of a 'Misdemeanor Crime of Domestic Violence, Shira Lazinger
War: International Law, International Relations and Just War Theory - An Interdisciplinary Approach, Antonio F. Perez and Robert J. Delahunty
Who Are the Real Cyberbullies: Hackers or the FTC? The Fairness of the FTC’s Authority in the Data Security Context, Jaclyn K. Haughom
Why is "CATS" Essential to Securities Law Enforcement?, Scott W. Bauguess
Women’s Law Caucus: May She Please the Court, Michelle Kallen, Flora Darpino LTG, Maureen Mahoney, and Erin Murphy