The faculty at the Columbus School of Law have published articles in a wide variety of legal and non-legal disciplines. This repository collection includes a selection of some of the many articles authored by our faculty. A more complete bibliography of faculty scholarship is available at the link below.
Submissions from 2013
Or a Treaty of the United States: Treaties and the Alien Tort Statute After Kiobel, Geoffrey R. Watson
Rationale and Changing the Charitable Deduction, Roger Colinvaux
Real Judicial Restraint, Joel Alicea
Reasonable Efforts and Parent-Child Reunification, Raymond C. O'Brien
“Reverse” Patent Declaratory Judgment Actions: A Proposed Solution for Medtronic, Megan M. La Belle
Scholarly Ethics, and the Future of Law Reviews: A Few Preliminary Thoughts, Ronald K.L. Collins and Lisa G. Lerman
Searching Cell Phones After Arrest: Exceptions to the Warrant and Probable Cause Requirements, Clifford S. Fishman
The Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities: Reflection on Four Flaws that Tarnish its Promise, Lucia A. Silecchia
The Fun of Teaching American Legal History, Geoffrey R. Watson
The Limits of New Originalism, Joel Alicea
Unequal Treatment of Religious Exercises Under RFRA: Explaining the Outliers in the HHS Mandate Cases, Mark L. Rienzi
Where Pardons Are Concerned, Second Best May Not Be So Bad After All: A Response to Chad Flanders, Cara H. Drinan
You Have the Right to Remain Silent: Does the U.S. Constitution Require Public Affirmation of Same-Sex Marriage?, Robert A. Destro
Submissions from 2012
Against Theories of Punishment: The Thought of Sir James Fitzjames Stephen, Marc O. DeGirolami
Autonomy-Mastery-Purpose: Structuring Clinical Courses to Enhance these Critical Goals, Leah Wortham, Catherine F. Klein, and Beryl Blaustone
Chief Justice Roberts and the Changing Conservative Legal Movement, Joel Alicea
Child Support: Shifting the Financial Burden in Low-Income Families, Stacy Brustin
Clemency in a Time of Crisis, Cara H. Drinan
Defamation in Good Faith: An Argument for Restating the Defense of Qualified Privilege, A.G. Harmon
Electronic Privacy in the Government Workplace and the City of Ontario, California v. Quon: The Supreme Court Brought Forth a Mouse, Clifford S. Fishman
Externship Demographics Across Two Decades With Lessons for Future Surveys, J.P. "Sandy" Ogilvy and Sudeb Basu
Family Law's Challenge to Religious Liberty, Raymond C. O'Brien
First-Year Law Faculty are Uniquely Poised to Mentor Stellar Students for Elbow Employment with Judges, Laurie A. Lewis
Forty Years of Originalism, Joel Alicea
Gingrich, Desegregation, and Judicial Supremacy, Joel Alicea