The faculty at the Columbus School of Law have published articles in a wide variety of legal and non-legal disciplines. This repository collection includes a selection of some of the many articles authored by our faculty. A more complete bibliography of faculty scholarship is available at the link below.
Submissions from 2011
Refractory Pain, Existential Suffering, and Palliative Care: Releasing an Unbearable Lightness of Being, George P. Smith II
Regulating Morality Through the Common Law and Exclusionary Zoning, George P. Smith II and Gregory P. Bailey
Standing to Sue in the Myriad Genetics Case, Megan M. La Belle
Telling Tales in School: Storytelling for Self-Reflection and Pedagogical Improvement in Clinical Legal Education, Faith Mullen
The Constitutional Right not to Participate in Abortions: Roe, Casey, and the Fourteenth Amendment Rights of Healthcare Providers, Mark L. Rienzi
Threatening the Founding Ideal of a Republic of Letters: An Assessment of the Supreme Court's Copyright Decisions over the First Decade of the Twenty-First Century, Susanna Frederick Fischer
Submissions from 2010
A Study in Law and Literature: Themes of Exceptionalism and Equity in British and American Culture, William J. Wagner
Freedom not to Listen: A Constitutional Analysis of Compulsory Indoctrination Through Workplace Captive Audience Meetings, Roger C. Hartley
Innocent Threats, Concealed Consent and the Necessary Presence of Strict Liability in Traditional Fault-Based Tort Law, Marin Roger Scordato
Integrating Catholic Social Thought in Elder Law and Estate Planning Courses: Reflections on Law, Age and Ethics, Lucia A. Silecchia
Integrating Marital Property into a Spouse’s Elective Share, Raymond C. O'Brien
Lawyering Outside Lawsuits: Incorporating Negotiations, Settlements, and Mediations Into the legal Writing Curriculum, Olivia Farrar and A.G. Harmon
Looking Beyond the Stacks: The Law Library as Place, Stephen E. Young
Mulieris Dignitatem: Pornography and the Dignity of the Soul - An Exploration of Dignity in a Protected Speech Paradigm, Mary Graw Leary
Originalism and the Legislature, Joel Alicea
Partial Unconstitutionality, Kevin C. Walsh
Patent Litigation, Personal Jurisdiction, and the Public Good, Megan M. La Belle
Private Enforcement of Systemic Risk Regulation, Heidi Mandanis Schooner
Raymond B. Marcin: An Appreciation, George P. Smith II
Redistribution In The Private Retirement System: Who Wins And Who Loses?, Regina T. Jefferson
Sexting or Self-Produced Child Pornography – The Dialogue Continues – Structured Prosecutorial Discretion Within a Multidisciplinary Response, Mary Graw Leary
Systemic Indigent Defense Litigation: A 2010 Update, Cara H. Drinan
The Child Declarant, the Confrontation Clause, and the Forfeiture Doctrine, Clifford S. Fishman
The Excitement of Interdictory Ideas: A Response to Professor Anders Walker, Marc O. DeGirolami