The faculty at the Columbus School of Law have published articles in a wide variety of legal and non-legal disciplines. This repository collection includes a selection of some of the many articles authored by our faculty. A more complete bibliography of faculty scholarship is available at the link below.
Submissions from 2009
No Tears for Creon, Marc O. DeGirolami
Ochrona Praw Czlowieka z Perspektywy Ameriykanskiej Oceny Historycznego Legatu Rady Europy, Rett R. Ludwikowski
Pope Benedict XVI and the Desideratum of a Natural Law: Three Views, William J. Wagner, James V. Schall S.J., and David Solomon
Practice-Ready: A Law School Perspective on Bar Certification, Veryl Victoria Miles
Reshaping the Common Good in Times of Public Health Emergencies: Validating Medical Triage, George P. Smith II
Response, Frames of Reference and the "Turn to Remedy" in Facial Challenge Doctrine, Kevin C. Walsh
Response to Francis Oakley, Kenneth Pennington
Smith, Stormans, and the Future of Free Exercise: Applying the Free Exercise Clause to Targeted Laws of General Applicability, Mark L. Rienzi
The Elderly and Health Care Rationing, George P. Smith II
The Flawed Nature of the False Marking Statute, Elizabeth I. Winston
The Kosovo Crisis: A Dostoievskian Dialogue on International Law, Statecraft, and Soulcraft, Antonio F. Perez and Robert J. Delahunty
The Momentum of Posthumous Conception: A Model Act, Raymond C. O'Brien
The Third Generation of Indigent Defense Litigation, Cara H. Drinan
Variables in Health Care Policy Making: Resolving A Quandary, George P. Smith II
Weighing Medical Judgments: Explaining Evidentiary Preferences for Treating Physician Opinions in ERISA Cases after Black & Decker Disability Plan v. Nord, Roy F. Harmon III and A.G. Harmon
Submissions from 2008
Back From Wonderland: A Linguistic Approach to Duties Arising from Threats of Physical Violence, A.G. Harmon
Catholicism’s Critique of Civil Society at the Turn of the Millennium, George E. Garvey
Consumer Protection in the Americas: A Second Wave of American Revolutions?, Antonio F. Perez
Education and Promotion of Human Rights from a European and American Perspective, Rett R. Ludwikowski
Faith in the Rule of Law, Marc O. DeGirolami
God’s Littlest Children and the Right to Live: The Case for a Positivist Pro-Life Overturning of Roe, Raymond B. Marcin
Justice Education and the Evaluation Process: Crossing Borders, Margaret Martin Barry, Martin Geer, Catherine F. Klein, and Ved Kumari
Lex Naturalis and Jus Naturale, Kenneth Pennington
Lost in the Shuffle: The Other Indigent Defendants in Georgia, Cara H. Drinan