The faculty at the Columbus School of Law have published articles in a wide variety of legal and non-legal disciplines. This repository collection includes a selection of some of the many articles authored by our faculty. A more complete bibliography of faculty scholarship is available at the link below.
Submissions from 2010
Redistribution In The Private Retirement System: Who Wins And Who Loses?, Regina T. Jefferson
Sexting or Self-Produced Child Pornography – The Dialogue Continues – Structured Prosecutorial Discretion Within a Multidisciplinary Response, Mary Graw Leary
Systemic Indigent Defense Litigation: A 2010 Update, Cara H. Drinan
The Child Declarant, the Confrontation Clause, and the Forfeiture Doctrine, Clifford S. Fishman
The Excitement of Interdictory Ideas: A Response to Professor Anders Walker, Marc O. DeGirolami
The History and Constitutionality of Maryland’s Pregnancy Speech Regulations, Mark L. Rienzi
The National Right to Counsel Act: A Congressional Solution to the Nation's Indigent Defense Crisis, Cara H. Drinan
The Stellar Parenthetical Illustration: A Tool to Open Doors in a Tight Job Market, Laurie A. Lewis
The Uniform Bar Examination: A Benefit to Law School Graduates, Veryl Victoria Miles
The Vanity of Dogmatizing, Marc O. DeGirolami
Toward a Pro-Life Environmental Movement, Lucia A. Silecchia
Unlocking Catholic Social Doctrine: Narrative is Key, William J. Wagner
Virtual Contacts in Patent Cases: How Should Internet-Related Contacts Affect the Personal Jurisdiction Analysis?, Megan M. La Belle
Submissions from 2009
Catholic Social Teaching, The Rule of Law, and Copyright Protection, Susanna Frederick Fischer
Celebrating CLEPR’s 40th Anniversary: The Early Development of the Clinical Legal Education and Legal Ethics Instruction in U.S. Law Schools, J.P. "Sandy" Ogilvy
Confrontation, Forfeiture, and Giles v. California: an Interim User’s Guide, Clifford S. Fishman
Culpability in Creating the Choice of Evils, Marc O. DeGirolami
Death to Child Erotica: How Mislabeling the Evidence Can Risk Inaccuracy in the Courtroom, Mary Graw Leary
Evangelicals and Jews in Common Cause, Marshall J. Breger
How to Analyze the Accuracy of Eyewitness Testimony in a Criminal Case, Richard A. Wise, Clifford S. Fishman, and Martin A. Safer
In Gratitude for What We Are Given: A Common Morality for the Global Age, William J. Wagner
Introduction, AALS Symposium on Institutional Pluralism: The Role of Religiously Affiliated Law Schools, John H. Garvey
Introduction: Intellectual Property in the Age of the Internet, Susanna Frederick Fischer
Learning Neuroscience the Hard Way: The Terri Schiavo Case and the Ethics of Effective Representation, Robert A. Destro
Lessons Learned from the Spectrum Wars: Views on the United States Effort Going Into and Coming Out of a World Radiocommunication Conference, Donna Coleman Gregg